Haul on the bowline.

Dusk Dunes – Kirby’s Epic Yarn
Ashes and Ghosts – Silent Hill 2
Access the Animus – Assassin’s Creed
Beach Bowl Galaxy – Super Mario Galaxy
Spinach Rag – Final Fantasy VI



  1. I enjoyed playing AC3, however because of the new engine they've used to create this game it's pretty much buggier than an indie game.
    I finished the game and I found out that horses can swim in the ground as you ride them and go over a bump.

  2. Too much to do seems like something that shouldn't be complained about. A lot of the stuff that you say, like Haytham being better than Connor, is pure opinion. I thought Connor was a great character. I agree that about 1/4 or less of the content is pure filler and just not fun, but the Naval missions, most of the story missions, the homefront missions, etc. are all extremely fun. There's lots of collectibles, which is standard for open world. Yes it's buggy, but it's still fun. To each his own


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