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Talk about an epic season closer! Jon, Daenerys, Margery- oh my! And a fan theory made reality! Spoilers ahead so keep watching at your own discretion.
Game of Thrones just made history with the best finale in television history. Winter is here!

Season 6 of Game of Thrones has been a game changer in the world of Westeros and last night’s episode- the finale of all finales- gave us all things we’ve been waiting for! I know you need someone to vent to, someone to freak out with, so my fellow Got addicts let’s do this together. Before we begin our recap let’s take a second to reflect on where we were at the beginning of this whole series and where we are now. Episosode 1 of the first season this entire world was run by men. You had Ned Stark in the north in alliance with King Baratheon. Tywin Lannister pulling all the strings in House Lannister. Daenery’s was a shadow completely controlled by her evil brother Viserys. And so on. The world was run by men! And look at what’s happened! The tables have not just turned, they’ve flipped a bitched and landed on their asses and this is officially a battle of the Queens. From Cersei to Daenerys, Sansa in the North to Yara Greyjoy to that little girl next to Jon who keeps shutting all the men up. The women are ruling and we’re heading into a battle like we’ve never scene! This is a feminist’s wet dream. Now back to the opening scene. In one quick, sophisticated move Cersei Lannister incinerates every one of her foes. Cersei’s enemies, from the High Sparrow and all his cult followers to Lancel to Pycelle to all the courtiers who turned up to see her trial, are taken care of in one flash. Queen Margery and her brother are toast. And Margery, being one of Cersei’s only intellectual equals figured it out…

But unfortunately it happened minutes too late. And she burned them the way the Mad King wanted to burn his city. Jaime, beware. Cersei Lannister’s evil is now unbridled. Because a Cersei without her kids is as bad as the Mad King you knew to kill. And Tommen? Poor, sweet, innocent Tommen, with no one to comfort him witnesses the death of his queen and the limitless evil to his mother and with absolutely no trepidation…So many important characters wiped out. And that was just the beginning. Meanwhile, in the North, Jon Snow is declared king. In a scene a bit too familiar little Lyanna Mormont- the breakout star of season 6- is the first to courageously raise her hand in loyalty to the Stark Bastard. And the rest follow in her example and declare Jon Snow a Stark once more and the King of the North because the North remembers. But let us not forget that look between Sansa, who has struggled to trust her brother wholeheartedly, and Little Finger who despite having sold Sansa and her virginity to the Boltons, claims he wants her. And he wants the throne. He and Sansa share a look that speaks volumes. We’ll see what happens in that power triangle.

Now Brandon Stark who was missing from GoT during the entire fifth season was returned to us in season 6. But while so many other characters have enjoyed rich, complex story lines, I still feel like Bran’s character has been somewhat wasted. Sure, he’s now the new 3-eyed raven but his entire story line this season culminated in him now learning Jon’s real bloodline. But he hasn’t actually moved the action forward in any significant way. Now, about that Jon Snow revelation. Holy effing smoke. In a flashback sequence that made us all wet our pants, a young Ned Stark tries to save his young sister Lyanna. But what he discovers is that Lyanna is bleeding out. She’s not gonna make it. But before she dies, she gives him the Holy Grail of secrets. Her baby son of Targarryan blood. And she forces him to keep a promise.

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  1. Isn't Jon next in line to the Throne before Dany? o.O"
    is it not the eldest son that banged the Stark's auntie therefore… their son would be in line before a younger child (Dany) then again he'd still be a bastard so maybe would go down below Dany since she was one of the Mad Kings kids. Hmm

  2. Is this bitch retarded? Daenerys can't and will not marry Tyrion. Even though Tyrion us a good person and she trust him that will not go over well with her new allies. Daenerys is going to marry Jon.

  3. I disgree with a few things that you have stated here …
    – Tyrion was named The Hand of The Queen … not to the Queens Guard
    – Jon could still be a bastard. No one has said weather or not his parents were lawfully married. If they weren't, he IS still a bastard.
    – Jon is NOT immune to fire. We saw that he burned his hand pretty badly when he killed the Wight Walker for Lord Commander Mormont.
    – Tyrion is not in love with Dany. Its more like loyalty, admiration, and that he whole heartedly believes in her. This is a new thing for him and he is jumping in with both feet.
    – Dany has NOT built an alliance with the wests most powerful family. Cersei wants Tyrion dead. If and when Tyrion shows his face in Kings Landing he is not going to be welcomed with open arms.
    – Arya didn't kill the 3 men that killed her family. Ramsey Bolton killed his father, Roose Bolton. Roose was the one who stabbed Robb Stark in the heart. She did kill Walder Frey. Walder was one of the people who put the Red Wedding together.

    Do you even watch the show or are you just a pretty face that reads a script prepared by someone who doesn't fully understand Got? These videos are usually watched by the hard-core GoT fans … and they miss nothing! Try harder next time.

  4. I don't know how true this is, but I read somewere that a Targaryen can only connect with one dragon at a time. So, since there are 3 dragons, there could be 3 Targaryens. Drogon is Daenerys' dragon, another one is Jon's, and the last is possibly Tyrion's(supported by the theory that he's somehow a Targaryen.. )
    So Jon gets a dragon AND a wolf!!
    and in season 1, I remember Tyrion talking to Jon about his fascination with dragons..and this season, he was able to actually communicate with the dragons in the dungeon without them burning his face off.

  5. "Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, HOLD NO LANDS , father no children. I shall wear NO CROWNS and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I PLEDGE MY LIFE AND HONOR TO THE NIGHT'S WATCH , for this night and all the nights to come."
    just sayin'

  6. Please get someone else to host this shit!!! She's just pretending to be a fan. She referred to Tyrion as the Queens Guard!!! Are you fucking serious?!. It's the Hand of the Queen! Get someone else!!! Preferably with larger tits. It looks like she got some Orangutan Titties. Thanks

  7. okay, here me out. Jon Snow theory R + L = J is true, HOWEVER, R means Robert, not Rhaegar. Jon Snow is gonna see lineage book that Ned saw in KL telling how Baratheons were all "Black of Hair" and Bran will confirm that Lyanna whispered to Ned she wasn't sure who the father was. Obviously the signs point to the Targaryean triple threat, but when has GoT ever been obvious…

  8. Only morons still think that Rhaegar is not Jon's father.

    Jon is the song of ice (Lyanna Stark) and fire (Rhaegar Targaryen).

    I can't wait for the episode where he meets his aunt Daenerys.


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