My comments section has turned into a dumpster fire.

Here’s the video in question:



  1. So I guess the 40k dislikes on the offical you tube meet the 13th doctor video are all nothing but a handful of youtube mysogonists? I remember when exactly that argument was used by the progressive Ghostbusters fans about the negative reaction to the Ghostbusters 2016 trailer. And that worked out well for them didnt it?

  2. The last group are the ones that are the worse. Most attack everyone else claiming they aren't just wanting a female Doctor due to gender, only then to spout reasons that include finally a female role model.

  3. Ask me ten years ago and I would have been mildly bothered with the status quo being shifted by having a Female Doctor albeit I would have been supportive of a mini ark where the Doctor is transferred into a female body for an episode or two to test the waters with the idea of a female doctor. They dabbled with the idea when they did the Doctor/Donna ark but didn't take it far in the grand scheme of things.

    Ask me now and I am perfectly happy with the idea of a female Doctor, but not for the reasons that Third Wave Feminists would want. I feel the show has become stagnant over the last few years and the Capaldi era was a damp squib with his character being changed every season from grumpy old man through to loony and finally lovable but wistful Grandfather. Even worse he ended up being upstaged by a companion (Clara) who started with real promise (I think the actress is good FYI) but ended up turning into an absurd distraction. Her story arc finished in the the Smith era but ended up overstaying her welcome along with the even more absurd River Song into the Capaldi era. Add to that Moffetts habit of planting the seeds of exciting ideas then failing to pay them off or even forgetting about them forcing hasty retcons to deal with the plot holes they created! I am fed up of huge foreshadowing and promises of show changing developments that are never paid off and then forgotten about! After a while it makes me just switch off.

    In a Science fiction show that is about exploring new ideas with a character the regenerates a female Doctor is fine if it breaks this cycle of stagnation in the show.

    What I don't want is the show to be used as a vehicle for SJW bandwagons and equality quotas! I don't need to know if the Doctor is a feminist or not! I want good writing and engaging Science Fiction! Something that has not been happening over the last few years with Doctor Who!

    I agree that there are some question marks over Jodie Whittaker but they are no more than I had over Matt Smith I am more concerned about Chibnall as the show runner. By all accounts the BBC badgered him into it which is not a good sign, his episodes were lacklustre and it reeks of the BBC playing it safe. A younger show runner maybe from the generation who first engaged with Doctor Who in the Eccleston and Tennant era would be interesting. Also and this might sound crazy but make the show smaller again, get in some fresh writers, dial back the budget and get back to more contained stories that focus on character and Science Fiction rather than the massive melodramatic story arcs that show has got itself into.

    Anyway keep up the good work!

  4. can we stop calling SJW,s feminist,s they are not they bring shame to real Feminism. real feminist real women used facts/logic and intelligence to win the day those people will always have respect from us SJW,s [stupid juvenile want a be,s] will never be a real feminist because they don,t use facts or logic i am not even sure they know what facts are and they don,t seem to have any intelligence what these SJW,s want is privilege they want to say what ever crap they want and expect the world to bowl down to it they want the right to hit a guy and the guy to not have the right to hit back and if they do hit back they must go to jail now i have to point out when i say hit i mean that she punched him then he punched her he has that right but for him to then jump on her and keep swinging no he do,s not have the right to do that and that go,s both ways aka equality of the sexes aka Feminism now i could never be friends with an SJW because i will never be a friend to a sexist but i would marry a real feminist now for the doctor 13 one i thing they did the girl thing because of these SJW things that was a stupid thing to do but it should of been done a long time ago and not just sex why not black or blue or green why dose the doc always have to look human two its a bit stupid to go 50 years then say [BTW they can change sex to] really 50 years now you want to make that a thing and three i dont know how this will work because if they make the doc in to a SJW it will kill the show because no one want to see the doc bitching at every little thing and they cant make the doc to be a girly girl because SJW,s will bitch and bitch plus the doc was not a manly man is the doc going to be in to men or is she going to be a gay woman i just dont see some one living for over 2000 years being in to woman just going [oh shit i don,t have a dick this time and that just makes me want to eat cock] and if the doc is buy why is this the first we hear about it can,t wait to see how they unfuck this one good luck to them and bowlestrek i am with you on the who you think would be better for the roll because it would of gone with the choosing your face thing they did with Peter Capaldi

  5. Just because someone has a problem with the doctor (and the master) being gender swapped doesn't mean we have a problem with women or whatever that weasel word misogynist is supposed to mean.

    But yes if you mean by 'problem with women' a non radical non progressive view of binary genderes, some aspects of gender roles, acknologment of human sexual dimorphism and rejection of the divorce of sex and gender oh yes I got problem with what has for the most part been a grand fatherly figure being a female !

    Its nothing more than someones transgender wish fulfillment and thats just discusting.
    Maybe the doctors not supposed to have sexual feelings (to women anyway) but gender swapping …well ain't that a freaky Friday funday.

    Ohoo what does the setting on the sonic screwdriver do ?
    Lol gay!

  6. Hopefully it's better than the last couple of years. I like Capaldi as a actor but the stories were so bad it was cringe worthy and the femnazi agenda could be seriously turned down.

  7. Meh. Shit happens when you drag your broken ideology into your art.

    Although, I'm not sure you can call Chibnall's episodes "art."

    Frankly, I'd rather watch Fear Her. At least it had the "I was a father once" and cupcake scene.

    These people are legitimately broken.

  8. I'd argue you missed a category of people in this debate, there's the ones who aren't who-fans but are big on equality and feminism and to them the general response when asked "Should there be a female doctor" is "Why not?" because feminism and activism comes before any knowledge of the show, it's culture, history and current issues, of which there are several.

    But no, I can't believe this needs clarification to some but you are definetely not a sexist for expressing these concerns. Listen, I'm up for giving Chibnall and 13 a chance, and I have my worries, but it's a show I've loved and my hope is that the people who are making it will not let it die, if only for the BBC to keep using it as a cash grab. I do not want to live in a world where we cannot debate these kinds of things, a world where we have one opinion and if you don't adhere to that opinion or dare to point out concerns or worries you are a SEXIST MISOGYNISTIC SAD PATHETIC BLA BLA BLA. Honestly it reads like you just mashed the keyboard with your face, there's no argument, no reason to debate, no wish to change your view and no sign of an open mind to have your view changed. It's this childish view of "I'm right and because you disagree with me you are clearly an idiot", this narcissistic viewpoint that people seem to have that they are always right, about everything. This is something we see all of the time, it is the biggest issue we have politically right now is the unwillingness of the left and the right to debate, the wish to silence opposition and not find any middle ground and it's exactly what we see here, the unwillingness to debate. Silencing of opinions… it never ends well.

    It saddens me really that Doctor Who fans on both sides take this standpoint, because this is a show that has preached about peace, debate, democracy, fairness, kindness etc, for well over 50 years. People listen to the messages of the and it just goes over their heads. Extremely sad, extremely concerning for the future.

  9. I would say I'm in the third category but I wouldn't describe myself the way you did. It is a political decision for sure and I would object to it in other shows or media. For instance female Thor in marvel comics is plain wrong, she may have thor' s powers but she isn't Thor.
    In Dr Who however we have a character who can change bodies every so often. A gender swap in this occasion isn't out of the question. In fact Dr Who may be the only show that can do that and make sense. And since genderswaps and gender bending is all the rage at the moment, it wasn't any surprise they went for a female Dr, they are just trying to remain current as they always have. That's why this show lasted for 50 years!
    My only concern is whether they play her as a female doctor or just the doctor in a female body. I hope for the second option obviously but I will wait and see

  10. I've watched the show from the beginning. I really miss the days before all this PC crap took over, they did things that would have these SJWs in the streets with torches today. The first episode, under Verity L no less, shows the Dr needing to get somewhere fast so he bends down and murders one of the cave people so he doesn't have to deal with him. I think he gets interrupted but you knew the Dr. meant business after that.

    Sarah Jane's first episode has Irongron saying about her "this wench never shuts up!" Ha ha. Same episode, John Pertwee says to a scientist "Hey, I'm looking for a young girl" (meaning Sarah) and the other scientist says "I think he's a little old for that sort of thing!" Wink, Wink. The PC libtards would be all over them today.

    The best example is the 6th doctor's 1st episode. He's just gone through a horrible regeneration, he's feeling bad and he has Peri screaming "Docterrrr" in his ears. He's had enough and just chokes her out right then and there. She knew who was boss then. This episode was "controversial" when it aired but it was all part of the plan to show a different side to the doctor. It was real drama. Today they would be run out of Britain for trying anything this bold. Unless of course it's a woman against the Doctor, then it's all OK. Such a shame!

  11. It is unfortunate that there are people who, rather than join a debate on any given topic, lash out with abuse. Ergo, there is no serious or cogent discussion. Verbal or written abuse is simply noise and of no value whatsoever. But I shouldn't take it to heart–too much. As a writer, I will have critics–it's in the nature of every human being to have an opinion. I'd quote Voltaire but I suspect the reference would be lost on your most vitriolic critics! I never defend my work. If it;s out there, it's out there. It stands or falls. In the creative world you can never be universally popular. Just be articulate and precise but never imagine you'll be wholly agreed with. I always loved negative reviews. They informed me. Abuse however, informs nothing. I have a friend who is an ardent feminist and Doctor Who fan. She phoned me on the 'Reveal' day (I was unaware of it as I was somewhere else in England) and she was livid that a woman was about to become the 13th Doctor! Her arguement was intellectual and I understood it but it goes to show that opinions are varied. It is interesting that there has been a tidal wave of comment on the subject–it would never have been so had another male been chosen for the role–which of itself speaks volumes to where we are as a society. Ideology or not, this shift (which Chris Chibnall, a man, wanted when he took over the role of lead writer) will have a profound influence beyond Doctor Who. I think that's a good thing. The world never changes but times do. And, like it or not, we are all time travelers.

  12. I know as a fun fact that the group you're in who are have legit reasons as to why Jodie may not work, has a majority shareholders of Autistic People or people on a socially Disabled spectrum, I myself suffer this, and it sickens me that people are outright typecasting our kind to a point where people could file a lawsuit of discrimination (however we can't alone as we have biologically occurring courage issues). But we must always keep in mind the BBC has ALWAYS been corrupt to people, this is the company that shat on Colin Baker for no reason, the company that STOLE charity money for their own evil ends, and now they find ways to alienate (no pun intended) their fandom by making a crude generalisation of what sexism is based on their own personal tastes…

    bringing a concept that to some is political into a family show is essentially obsurd, if we wanted to watch politics we'd stick to watching braindead Theresa May and her cabinet of tory dum dums plot to make their toy train set called "HS2" on BBC News, or watch Donald Trump make a nitwit of himself by calling Namibia "Nambia" and invent further of his own countries by mispronouncing them…

  13. we have a similar issue over here in eastern Canada where the majority English, are being forced to learn the french language to get a job. if you dare speak out against it, you are instantly a bigot against the french, even know you are not in the least. common sense does not apply . Haters will always be haters.

  14. thank you for that video and putting it into words how i also feel about it. I appreciate it. what i like about your videos is that they are sensible, well thought out and do a great job explaining your points.

  15. Go to Gallifreybase and get ripped apart if you disagree with it, since the casting I have seen fans dropping off like flies with about the handful remaining on forums, the whole thing has hit a huge nerve with fandom that it seems split the few along with feminists and SJW supporting and out for the attack, I have never seen how bad it is until now.

  16. I feel ya. I had the nerve to post a comment on a popular YouTube channel that I was unsure about the new Doctor having three companions. And that she might be overshadowed with all those other in the TARDIS. The guy proceeded to make his next video about the 'Haters' of three companions being on the show. There was nothing hateful in my post. I'm tired of this attitude from some people that we have to kiss the feet of Chris Chibnall and agree with everything he's doing with the show.

  17. I have only seen this woman in Broadchurch …. and she wasn't anything special in it. Plus the new show runner hasn't had any 'amazing' eps that I recall. This will get a series high for the first ep ….. then decline drastically

  18. The problem is, the screeching SJWs who attack people who have genuine reasons to be concerned as to the motives for the direction Doctor Who is heading full-on, should be aware that if the pandering BBC alienate a sufficient majority of the fan base, and subsequently the ratings crash…Doctor SJWho ceases to exist!

    …Guess that would be our fault too, huh?

  19. 4:30 "first and second wave feminism were about equality, third wave feminism is a hate movement" ……… From its inception feminism has never fought for actual gender equality, only ever female privilege (and yes that includes women's suffrage). Also feminism is primarily an ideology (patriarchy theory, rape culture, wage gap, objectification of women etc), not a rights movement. Men have less legal rights than women.

    Also it is debatable whether feminists actually hate men. Feminists seem to be obsessed with men and utterly dependent on men. When feminists want something they generally run to men and play the damsel routine (he for she). The kind of feminist who stays away from men and wants nothing to do with men (eg lives in an all female commune) is a very rare breed.

    Feminists MANIPULATE and EXPLOIT men, which is not quite the same thing as hating men.

  20. I'd like to leave doctor who and politics apart. I'd keep watching doctor who if all of the cast were black, queer and transgender. I did however like the comparison of different doctor who fan groups to different political ideologies from far left to far right.

  21. As a feminist I am disgusted by the patronising idea that women have to step into the shoes of a male Doctor and an existing franchise, instead of being allowed to create an entirely new character and a completely original new TV series and let it stand on its own two feet. Every feminist I know agrees with me on this.

    It's almost as if the misogynist, patriarchal BBC do not think women are capable of starting up their own sci fi TV show and have to be shoe horned into an existing male role which MEN have built up for the last 50 years (with many dodgy periods along the way). Why can't women build up a role, a TV show and a fan base from scratch instead of being forced to hijack a male role?

    It is an insult to women and no self respecting feminist would ever accept the role on principle, because the character is quintessentially male and women are just not the same as men!

    Some additional points…..

    1. I am not really a feminist
    2. Feminism is not really about wanting to empower women, I was just pretending that it was
    3, Feminists waited 5000 years for paid work outside of the home to become a largely indoor activity involving zero manual labour (ie modern office jobs) before deciding they wanted to join the workforce.
    4. Feminists waited 50 years for nerd culture and sci fi to become popular and trendy before deciding they wanted to take over the role of the Doctor.
    5. When garbage collection is done by robots controlled from a nice comfortable control room with comfy chairs you can bet feminists will start complaining that garbage collection is a male dominated job and they should let more women do it.

  22. Good videos. I've been attacked a lot on Youtube for my opinions.
    The dialogue in the series has become increasingly misandrist. The most blatant, and offensive, was when the black timelord turned into a black woman and immediately made disparaging comments about men in general. There have been plenty of other incidents.
    There has also been a serious push to sexualise the series in a way which I believe is not good for children. I have been far from happy that gender has suddenly become so important. Captain Jack was a good character in Torchwood, a series for adults, not so appropriate in Dr Who which, whatever some people say, was originally for children to watch with their parents.
    In my experience homosexual men do not flirt with straight men, and aliens should not be getting jiggy with humans under any circumstances. Do Timelords even have plumbing resembling human sex organs? Unlikely. I viewed the developing sexual relationship between Tennat and Rose as being on a par with getting too intimate with your pet, totally gross except for perverts.
    What does bother me about Whittaker is that changing an icon into a female was done for SJW politically correct reasons.
    If the BBC really wanted to strike out, why not a series based on the Rani, River Song, Susan Foreman, Romana, Ace, or his daughter? The series has always had plenty of strong women characters. There was even a hint that Clara could become a spin-off with Me.
    I was not too happy that the Master became Missy, but it was explained as a regeneration gone wrong, and the character and actress were excellent. I fear that third wave feminism and SJW misandrist topics will swamp the series with a lot of man-bashing dialogue of the kind we have already experience, but in spades. I felt that Bill was one of the worst, if not the worst, companions the Doctor has ever had, even worse than Adric, and I have never seen such poor acting outside school drama presentations. Pearl Mackie has just the one expression: angry gormless, bored gormless, randy gormless, frightened gormless, etc. Before I'm branded a racist, I think Noel Clarke is one of the best up-and-coming black actors in the world.
    I will be watching the new series, I will give Chubby and Whittaker a chance, but I am not optimistic. I want the series to succeed, I've been watching it since 1963, but I've a nasty feeling it will be the end.

  23. *sigh. So if you have a problem with the MALE Doctor being turned into a female you're misogynist? Even if you're a woman and think that?! You are the one being narrow minded and bigoted. Yes, some people with that opinion are sexist and some feel that there is no reason to change genders on a character just because it's the thing to do these days. I think you need to be open minded as to the fact there are legitimate reasons why the Doctor shouldn't be turned female. But you've already labeled me…


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