Game of Thrones S7E03 – Sansa & Bran Reunite Scene

Sansa and Bran reunite

not as good as Jon and Sansas scene, mostly because Bran is emotionless here

Game of Thrones is on Sundays on HBO

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  1. It's the little things that make for good acting.  Notice how Sophie Turner walks at the start of the scene.  She exudes power and confidence, showing Sansa coming into her own

  2. Guys ! Bran is completely broken, he see things , he knows everything , he knows what happened to Sansa what happened to Arya to his brothers mother and father , he doesn't just know he saw it all of it just like we did , it's like he watches the show with us you know what i mean ? , he saw his sister getting beaten up and raped so of course he doesn't look at her the same way , he saw his other sister killing people , he saw that he's the one responsible for Wylis becoming hodor to save him , his friend is dead because of him his wolf the children of the forest (i think they called them like that) are dead for him too , he is traumatize more than anyone , he became the Three Eyed Raven way too soon , he wasn't ready at all , so leave him alone

  3. Their parents were murdered. Their brother murdered. Bran grew up as a fugitive, now see ' s "all". Sansa was present at her father's execution, saw his head on a spike, narrowly escaped Cersei Lannister killing her, was raped, and Arya, like Bran, was a fugitive, was nearly killed by stab wounds, was blind, murdered, and all 3 stark children lost their dire wolves. So everyone complaining about emotional direction just stfu.

  4. How did so many people simultaneously miss the point regarding Bran's reaction ?
    He's been gone a hell of a long time, and a great deal of that time was spent experiencing the past, present and future. Probably many times over. Including this exact reunion.
    It would have been unrealistic if he jumped .. or i guess crawled for joy after seeing Sansa again. Why would a person who's gained the vast amount of knowledge and wisdom he has gained behave as if this was hist first time experiencing this exact moment/experience. He has likely experienced this moment many times already.
    Not to mention he must surely understand the superfluousness of it all knowing what's really coming for everybody.

  5. If Bran already knows how he will die, already knows how Sansa will die, etc… why wouldn't he be the way he is?
    Knowing/seeing all is more of a curse than a gift, I'd imagine.
    Not understanding all the surprise, and I don't expect any more excitement when and if he reunites with Arya.

  6. I loved this scene! The fact that Bran almost seemed emotionless made it better for me. Imagine what it's like for Sansa, seeing her brother who was once so happy and all set on being a knight become… y'know, like this. And the way he said ''Hello Sansa'' was just so sad. This scene made me realise how much Bran has changed since season 1, and it's just incredibly tragic. And ofcourse Bran is so cold and emotionless, seeing everything everywhere and knowing everything about everyone does something to a person.

  7. Why does it look like Bran knows something terrible about the future that he has no control of.
    Maybe Sansa will get into trouble with LF, maybe LF will kill Bran and he knows it.
    He seemed so cold and distant as if he didn't want to reconnect with anyone and just tell everyone the important things to come as his duty.


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