Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 2 Preview


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belongs to HBO and other original creators
used in a fair way here

Game of thrones S06E02 title and synopsis

Title: Home

Bran trains with the Three-Eyed Raven
In King’s Landing, Jaime advises Tommen
Tyrion demands good news, but has to make his own.
At Castle Black, the Night’s Watch stands behind Alliser Thorne
Ramsay Bolton proposes a plan, and
Balon Greyjoy entertains other proposals.

Game of thrones Season 6 Episode 1 Recap

Game of Thrones season 6 Arya’s blind training clip Breakdown

Game of thrones season 6 playlist

Game of Thrones season 6 ►Episode 2 ► Home ► Night’s watch ► Jon Snow ► Ser Davos ► Wildlings ► Ser Alliser Thorne ► King’s Landing ► Jaime ► Cersei ► Tommen ► High sparrow
►North ► Winterfell ► Sansa ► Brienne ► Boltons ► Greyjoys ► Tyrion ► 3 eyed raven ► Brandon Stark

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  1. Ed does end up right on time and brings the Wildlings with him, including Mr. Giant. They see that the Night's Watch has betrayed their Lord Commander and makes Aliser Thorne stay in the cells that they have. While this is happening or after it happens, Jon is then "resurrected" by Melisandre after she begs the Fire God to save him after everything that she did, just to do this for the reason that she could "perform miracles", said by Ser Davos. He practically begged her to resurrect Jon, but she lost faith, but after a few minutes, Ghost wakes up, I believe, sensing his master's soul returning, and Jon wakes up.

  2. The producers of G O T have truly fucked up an otherwise great cult classic. After a near wipe out of the Stark family, expect for the nitwit Sansa; young Arya and Bran. We were left with Jon Snow to avenge the death of Stark clan. But you know what, they had to top the Red Wedding with more shock and awe. The 'KUNTS' killed off Jon Snow leaving the show without a clear protagonist. So what do we have left? Arya is still learning the craft of magic. Bran, the cripple needs Hador to lift him to take a piss or shit. Jon must now return as a zombie. Are you fucking kidding me? Had I submitted this load of garbage to a producer in Hollywood they would have asked maintenance to take it downstairs and set it on fire in he parking lot. Here is a classic example of the suits around the table creating consumer angst for the very product they are selling.  April 23, 1985 Cocoa Cola tried this same shit and lost.

  3. come on your voice cant be real your a robot computer,talking after typing your dialogue.ive got your number lol. who are you really ??? the original actor who played the mountain lol.spoilers galore but im sure your wrong on a few.peace


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