Game of thrones season 6 Episode 10 Preview
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GOT S06E10 (Finale) The Winds of Winter
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Game of thrones season 6 Episode 10 Promo clip
Why there must always be a Stark in Winterfell?
Game of Thrones season 6 | Sansa Stark Prophecy
Game of thrones Season 6 ► Episode 10 ►The Winds of Winter ► The High Sparrow ► Loras’s trial ► Cersei’s trial ► mad queen ► Wildfire ►Tommen ► Jon Snow ►R+L=J ► Tower of Joy ► Brandon stark ► Melisandre ► Davos ► Sansa ► Littlefinger ►Jaime ► The Freys ► Varys ► Tyrion ► Kevan ► Pycelle ► The White Walkers ► The Wall
A significant white walker scene confirmed for episode 10?
What crappy source did that come from?Time to be fired…
thank you douchebag for spoiling it. idiot
2:18 'VAREZ' really??
stop lifping cunt -_-
This episode is the best. I have never feel so good after watching a movie or a serie. A Masterpiece.
If you don't know Game of Thrones, watch it now, just for this season, and especially this episode. 9.99/10.
Cersei Lannister Cool Hand Luke of villains who has the touch of the Ice King the look of the mountain and the Fury of the Gods the old and the new and one can only wonder who's the baddest bitch in Black her or Elvira ????
HBO should erect a tribute to George RR Martin like the Great Pyramids of old This brilliant brilliant man., that being said his love child Cersei Lannister the greatest villain ever created, who was created by spawn nurtured by The Pale Rider and set to task by Satan has no equal, she should be cast in every novel every book every movie to be made and there will be laughing all the way to the bank !!!!
I don't think Tommen just randomly jumps out of a window. I say it's more likely Cersei set off the wildfire below the sept of Baylor 1st and it will accidentally catch more on fire and reach whatever building Tommen's in forcing him to jump to his death. Cersei will still go even further off the deep end as you said but even more so as his death will be directly because of her. Either way I can't wait to see how this plays out. If I'm even remotely right then it makes sense to have Cersei and Jamie's characters back for another season as opposed to their resolution coming this season and when Jamie finds out what happened he can still end up killing Cersei and have time to set up that whole scenerio.
What happen to ghost?
margery dies. idk why but probably cersei's fault but inadvertently. Along with all the other Tyrells.. tommen commits suicide. Arya is in the trailer, with the freys, but with a different face…
So Sansa doesn't die in the finale?
whats Sharoooms?
r + l = j is bullshit
You speak like a fucking moron!
My guesses.1. The Dorne scene is Varys receiving the allegiance of Elia and the sandsnakes for Daenarys.2. Cersei tells Tommen who is father really is. He takes it less well than Myrcella, after all not only is he an incestuous bastard but not the legitimate king. He then does a swan dive out of the red keep.
Remember Cersei's words from Episode 9: "I choose violence." King's Landing is going up in flames, and not just any flames: the unquenchable wildfire.
varrez, lol
finish him!
On the 2nd comming of the "Red Wedding": Note how the celebrating Lannisters are all in full armor…
"he looks much trembled." hahaha, what? is english your second language? jesus tits that's a retarded thing to say.
Im excited lets go
Plot Twist: It's not R+L=J…It's R+L=S. Sam is the Prince.
😉 😉
If the High Sparrow has any sense, he'll pardon Loris, to show he has the power of life and death.
Should Tommen die falling out of the window, Margaery is the one who would stand right behind him…
The following characters should die:
– Jon Snow
Thank you
Very nice assumption.
so bran will die? Man that sucks 🙁 he was my fave character
omg the reddit thing is a real spoiler… the others are just theoreis but the reddit thing is kind of annoying because if he does know the truth that sucks man…
This is ALL confirmed?!?! o.o FUCK YES! fist pump oh GRRM pls let R+L=J v.v pls pls pls .. and the man who is talking in this video, o.o are you that gay who is making swords on videos? U have very similar voice xD
It's a difference between previews, predictions, and spoilers. The Tommen drop was some bs and not cool
Actually for a while now I have hoped that Arya would be the one to kill the freys, it probably wont happen but I will remain hopeful regardless.
i think that varys will go to darn to seek allies for danearys :p
I want Sansa Stark to die. There, I said it.
I personally would like it if Little Finger and Sansa end up together… what's the big deal? it's always been acceptable to marry younger people it's not until recent history that it's been found upon… in the fictional world of grrm..what's the big deal?
tommen. will die and she will find out her son gendry returns and never died
jon will marry lyanna mormont….and rule the north after they burn sansa and littlefinger
I believe Varys is heading 2 dorn or the north
Considering it was Jamie who pushed Bran from a window at the request of Cersei, I would like to see Tommen (accidentally??) pushed from a window as a result of a heated argument between he and his mother. It fulfills the prophecy that Cersei would see her children die, and closes the circle on what they did to Bran.
Videos Sight you think that we will get to see arya???
Pls answer me…..
I think Walder Frey will propose a marriage to Jaime since he is no longer a Kingsguard.
:Youtube Narration program Activated:
does the high sparrow die, I really want him to go!
Really hope R+L=/=J as that would just be boring and too cliche for Martin to write into his story. Then again this is the show we're talking so anything silly can happen.