Game of thrones season 6 | Inside GOT Teasers Breakdown

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HBO has released a season 6 making video which enough footage to increase the hype.


Game Of Thrones Season 6 | Jon Snow predictions

Game of thrones season 6 | Returning Characters & Casting update

Game of thrones season 6 playlist

Game Of Thrones Season 6 â–º Inside GOT â–º Teasers â–º Dothraki â–º Drogon â–º Daenerys â–º Tyrion â–ºMelisandre â–º Ser Davos â–º Winterfell flashback scene â–º Meera Reed â–ºJaime â–º Winterfell battle

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  1. 1:46 On the horses the Karstark and Umber sigils are visible. Several of HBO's 2016 promotional pictures show Ramsay on a horse, with a soldier who represents Paul Rattray, the actor who has been cast as Harald Karstark, in the background. So the Karstarks are most certainly on Bolton's side, and the Umbers probably too.

    Also, at 1:55 notice the screen on the left. Could that be Jon Snow's horse charging into battle? 😀


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