We continue our series on the deeper meaning of the Game of Thrones house symbols with a look at the House Bolton.

Catch up on the entire series here:

Works Cited & Consulted:
* Martin, George R.R. “A Song of Ice and Fire.” Bantam Books.
* freeguess. “An Analysis of House Words.” /r/asoiaf on Reddit, 5 Jan. 2013.
* Empower Yourself with Color Psychology
* Color Wheel Pro
* Color Meanings

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  1. I am sure Sansa will die a horrible death in Season 8 and Ramsay's death will be avenged. Fuck Jon. Jon can no way defeat Ramsay in sword fight since Ramsay is better fighter than Jon. Fuck Littlefinger. If not for Littlefinger's help, Ramsay would have another flayed man (Jon) in his play-room. lol.

  2. I really liked your point about the human on the sigil instead of an animal, symbolizing the Bolton's attitude toward humanity. I never put that together before, but that makes complete sense. Thank you!

  3. I wish there was someone to continue House Bolton line… I really like their House history.. its like the North would be incomplete without them. House Karstark & Umber were given a second chance.. hope there is some Bolton left to gain pardon from the King in the North.

  4. I wouldn't say they don't care about loyalty, not a priority, but they still care, at least the father. if robb listened to at least some of roose's counsel, the red wedding wouldn't have happened.

  5. Psycologic abuse is both underrated and, somehow, hereditary.
    Aparently, it tends to be passed on from generation to generation…
    fascinating, thou terryifing. There are cases in wich you can cut the line, but victims allways keep some remains of trauma

  6. "I've lived with him. I know the way his mind works, I know how he likes to hurt people… he's the one who lays traps." – Sansa
    What I'm getting out of the Boltons is a foreshadowing of the Night King. The undead are the Night King's hounds, he messes with people's heads, he lays the traps, he always seems to be a step or two ahead of everyone else. And Jon seems to have learned nothing as he rushes to Winterfell to meet him.
    And I hate to say it but Sansa's history with Ramsay might just foreshadow her fate with the Night King. She's first in his path and she could very well fall to him quickly (Winter Fell) and become his undead bride.
    Of course, that means an ice dragon for the ice queen.


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