A countdown of the Top 10 Most Compelling Costumes from GOTs Finale, Season 7 Episode 7, The Dragon and the Wolf. Major *Spoilers* for all 7 seasons of GOTs!

Additional editing by Jack Loney

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  1. Hello, thank you for another well done video, and thanks for highlightening the Hound's costume. Glad you pointed out the Bran is the Night King meme, the type of costume Bran wears is very common with many different characters on GOT. I'm bummed that the GOT season has ended, but I can't wait for your Westworld videos, I love that show, especially the character Maeve.

  2. What a season! After a few weeks, when we're still in withdrawal and more high def photos are out, will you consider doing your top 10 costumes of the season? Or maybe your top 10 favourite fan costume designs? One more suggestion if I may! How about sometime next month giving us a top 10 game of thrones costumes perfect for Halloween costumes?

  3. The braided spine detail on Cersei's gown reminded me of the similar detail on Daenery's gown from the last episode. I thought it was strange for those two characters to echo eachother though… maybe there's something there about vulnerability (like your backbone is literally exposed) and losing loved ones (Jaime leaving/Viserion dying)?

  4. Daenarys's dress for the dragon pit scene was boring (I think she wore it before this season) but I enjoyed the red cape she had on with it. It seemed to have a scale-like texture to the fabric which I liked. Also, I thought it was a little absurd that Jon and Brienne were still wearing their heavy Winterfell cloaks. I know "winter is here" but it's still not that cold in King's Landing yet. And I'm so glad you commented on Lyanna's wedding gown, flowing and full of all the color we have been missing this past season!

  5. Just a thought, but could the pattern on Arya's costume be there to reflect somewhat canceled armor – as befitting a faceless man,  Double leather with embedded plates would provide decent protection without being to masculine or in your face.

  6. I'm so happy you mentioned Bran and the Night King's clothes are nothing alike! I keep seeing people saying that 🤔 but I don't get it because their clothes look nothing alike … I'm open to crazy theories but their outfits are not evidence!! I love your costume videos!

  7. I too noticed the bad hem on Cercei's dragon pit gown. I was very disappointed when I saw it. I thought to myself that they should have sewn the hem to the lining and not the the fabric of the dress. I know mistakes and mishaps happened all the time so my thought was that they might not have had time to correct it. The other thought was that maybe they had horsehair fabric in the hem and had sewn it to the dress fabric. It might also explain the puckers. If that was the case I wish they had sewn the horsehair to the interfacing then flatlined the interfacing to the fabric. It's a pity that the hem had this unfortunate mistake on it. I personally liked the design of the dress. The back of the jacket makes up for the simplicity. All I can think of is that they might not have had enough fittings scheduled with the actress and they lacked time for any correction that was needed to be made.

  8. Great episode as always. While I agree with you that Cersei's new costume is rather ill fitting, I can't help but love the fabric it's so subtly shiny (I'm such a barracuda sometimes) and I would totally wear that short sleeve coat. It reminded me of Lucile Sharp's red dress from "Crimson Peak", it reveals how morally anorexic and twisted she is inside while displaying a show of force on the outside. It rather ironic that her dress doesn't fit due to weight loss since in the books her dresses don't fit due to weight gain. I think there were good screen grabs as she was leaving the Dragon Pit.

    I was also very disappointed by Rhaegar Targaryen and his Viserys wig. I mean, Jesus, at least give him a slightly different hairstyle. And the actor! Don't get me wrong, he's good looking enough, but not oh-my-Gods-take-me-now-I'll-run-away-with-you-fuck-the-ensuing-war-my-fiance-will-wage-upon-you gorgeous. I was waiting for a Legolas/Thranduil otherworldy beautiful sex god with how they built him up, long silvery locks and all, not…a conventionally good-looking guy. Maybe they meant he was beautiful on the inside and it reflected on the outside? shrug

    PS: Don't forget to show my Belle design!

  9. I loved it as I loved all your GoT videos! I'm going to miss them, but I think in the mean time, I'll busy myself catching up with your other ones. is a new subscriber Thank you for creating such wonderful & insightful videos! 😀

  10. I think it makes sense for Raegar to look so much like Viserys. Viserys was obsessed with the family and returning to power, so it makes sense that he would model his own appearance on family members he would remember, like his brother.

  11. Really like your videos. I love costumes even though i don't understand much of them. I have some sort of a request. I would love if you did videos about the costumes of Outlander. It's one of my favourite series, and the new season is coming up this month.

  12. Awesome job once again!!! 🙂 It has been an absolute gift looking at all these costumes throughout season 7 🙂
    I wonder if Lyanna's trim is blue winter roses and Michele Clapton is referencing the books as Ned remembers that Lyanna loved blue winter roses ( perhaps Im reaching!!) 🙂

  13. I also loved how the Dothraki 'winterized' their look. It looks like they've incorporated the Greyjoy cape/trench coat into their look, I think it gives the costumes a lot more structure and form than their Essos look. I hope HBO releases some HD photos of Rhaegar and Lyanna's wedding outfits – i would love to see the embroidery up close given how much symbolism is incorporated into the embroidery.

  14. Now that the weekly Game of Thrones episodes are done I'd LOVE you to do a video (or a series of videos) about ITV's Victoria (2016-present). I'm not sure what channel it airs on in the US. The costumes are utterly beautiful. Because of your videos I noticed the costumes so much more in the first episode of series 2 and was so impressed with them – I liked literally every single costume. And they made them fit the actors and characters so well. They're very colourful and detailed – no boring black like this season of GoT 😉

  15. I really love your videos and your great work doing them, I have learn so much thanks to your knowledge on your work and career, but I think actor criticisms belongs somewhere else. Choosing cast must be also a very hard job! I have no idea about this actor, but anyway we can hardly see any acting or even his face. He looks very Targeryan though! Cheers! keep the god work!!

  16. Maybe I am reading too much in to this, but do you think the decision to have Sansa wear her cloak in an asymmetrical style during Littlefinger's trial was a subtle hint that she was working with Arya, whose new cloak this season is also asymmetrical?

  17. Awesome as always Heidi! You are absolutely right about the Giger reference for the spine detail on Cersei´s Dragonpit outfit. I also can see the inspiration from Alexander McQueen again – there is a spine corset Shaun Leane created for Alexander McQueen.

  18. I knew when I saw the dragon pit dress you would mention the issues with it. It looked so odd. I saw in the BTS vid that that scene took many days to film, perhaps the dress was damaged during that time. I found the issues with it pretty distracting. But I LOVE the spine detail on the coat. It reminded me of hair standing up on an aggressive dogs back.

    Costume wise I found this season a bit disappointing overall. I have been re watching the show from the beginning this past month and the early seasons are such a treat with their bright beautiful costumes. This season has just been black and grey and more black and it gets a bit too heavy after a while.

    I would like to see a more feminine costume on one of our lead ladies next season. I really like how the show started with mostly men in powerful positions and now it is mostly women in powerful positions. It is a really cool shift in the dynamic. But it feels like all the women have gone for the rigid, hard, armored, look as that change happened. You can still be girly and feminine and be powerful. I think Cersei and her armored look works, and Dany is a conquerer and has never been super frilly. So maybe Sansa could be the one to pull off the feminine look. Hopefully something with some color! Something more like her green velvet dress she wore in season 6.

  19. I had a strange feeling about Jaime's outfit. It looked as if he wanted to sneak out of King's Landing without being recognised, therefore avoid Cersei's men. But then why did he say he wanted to take the Lannister army along with him? I really hope he will, because it was such a relief to watch him ditch his crazy ass sister. FINALLY!
    I still love your videos anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing more! You're awesome 🙂

  20. the similarity between rhaegars and viserys hair does make sense when you think how viserys idolised his brother and wanted to be just like him- he would try to emulate his style.

  21. OMG YOU'RE DOING WESTWORLD?!? YAY! I've really enjoyed watching your videos lately, your content is great. I loved this episode and (massive spoiler warning to anyone else reading this) on Petyr Baelish's death scene. I thought it was the best scene of the episode, and one of the most fitting death scenes of the entire series. And while I don't think it was intentional on the costume department because it is one of his earlier robes, it mirrors another scene. In his death scene, he falls to his knees almost crying, with his robes pooling all over the floor. In season two, Robb was at war with the Lannisters, and Joeffrey punishes her by having one of his King's Guard beat her :(. She falls to her knees crying and begging for mercy, with her dress pooling on the floor. Not intentional, but, I couldn't help notice the parallels not just in the costume department. Anyway, I'm excited to see more of your videos. Also, would it be okay if I made a request for a movie or miniseries? I know your very busy though. 🙂

  22. I am sorry that you could not get a better shot of the back of Cersei's jacket in the dragon pit. To me it looked like it was the most interesting new bit of any costume in the episode. I am glad that you found a reference for us, so I could get a better idea of how it was done.

    I am your first Patreon. Keep up the great work.


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