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  1. Finally some talk of Hightower! They spooker me something fierce. Euron is near the shield isles and whatnot so yeah, something tells me he would want to get to the top of that big ass shit. And the black oily stone shit that surrounds the base of Hightower's high tower… interesting

  2. Will you ever consider hosting a charity boxing match between a representative of "Team Tangent" and "Team On-Task" I think it could help us all settle our differences.

  3. I think I know what George was going for with the sword sizes a long sword is a normal sword that'd go with a shield a great sword is the two handed big blade and a bastard sword is in between those two.

  4. Thanks Alt for another lovely chapter! My dreadful q.4 a. Is:"what the heck I'll do when I'll wake up after you have finished GoT? I think I need to start to metabolize this, already, so that I won't get any withdrawal symptoms …

  5. 1 hour and 18 minutes! You are spoiling us.
    The world of Murakami’s 1Q84 does have two moons. Read it. It's amazing.
    Alt Schwift X would be Alt Schwift X+1.
    The saint on your mind could be St. Gerard Sagredo. He was rolled down a hill inside a barrel lined with spikes.
    Northerners making Jon king in the North for no apparent reason and Jon accepting without guilt has to be just bad D+D writing. It’ll be better in the books. And John will be changed fundamentally after his ressurection.
    Don’t breathe asbestos, huff bees instead.
    Use your words. Everything is a penis. Size matters. Love matters more.
    I like german Alt. Alt means "old" in german. In danish it means "everything", which is oddly fitting on more than one level.
    I like australian Alt too.
    Love you #SchwiftySquwad

    (Hairless Oyster, are you messing with my brain? I feel like I'm channelling your spirit here, somehow)
    (Please Alt, if you do extra episodes do some of them on European time?)

  6. I've never commented on your videos but I've watched them all. They're pretty nifty, schwifty nifty schwifty… there's a tongue teaser. Say that five times fast. Anyways, thanks for keeping this crazy channel going. It really is great that a silly idea is so much fun. The community that has sprung up around it is amazing, the loveliest bunch of weirdos I've ever met. Thank you for posting and letting us bombard you with live stream shenanigans. Thank you for always having a goofy tangent. Don't let Juan hit you too much. But yeah thanks and great job and all of that fan stuff

    Some Q's I hope you A
    1.) I'm glad you're pausing Schwift while S7 is airing. Those S6 videos were excellent! Does that mean you plan to do them again?
    2.) Are you going to read ACOK after you finish GOT?
    3.) Are you asking for new book ideas because you won't be abridging anymore ASOIAF, or is the new book in addition to?


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