Who told Cersei that Sansa had her first flowering? Was it the Hound? The Hand Maiden that Shae threatened? Or was it Varys?

Also, stay tuned for a brand new theory relating to Jon Snow and Davos, next week.

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***Game of Thrones Videos***
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[Game of Thrones] Song of the Seven Heroes (Part 1):
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Tyrion’s Revenge Theory:

***Game of Thrones Playlists***
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[Game of Thrones Prophecies] The Ink is Dry:



  1. Awwww, that was sweet. I love the way you come up with topics. Heads up. I usually watch the add before your videos but this one was 4 minutes so I skipped. I don't know if that's something you can change but…โ™ฅ

  2. i think the hound told, even tho I absolutely love him. he knew there was no hiding it-the maids had seen, the 'little birds' would tell-at that point he was still a loyal albeit reluctant dog to the lannisters and couldnt be caught knowing and not telling. but what the hell was he doing alone with her in her bedroom while shes in her nightdress covered in period blood-without even her maids there. thats very 'improper' for a young noble Lady, maiden, betrothed to the king. weird they had him be the one to see it.

  3. My only problem with this is that if the handmaiden told Cersei then why wouldn't she also say that she was threatened by Shay (not sure how to spell her name). If Shay did it why would she bother threatening the handmaiden and putting herself at risk. She also cares about Sansa

  4. I don't think the Hound ratted on Sansa. She woke up from a nightmare screaming. Maybe that's what prompted him to her room. Maybe he heard her scream, and he came running to see if she needed help? IDK. Sandor seems way too protective of Sansa to want to rat her out. He has no love for the Lannisters, that's pretty evident.

    My money is on the other handmaiden. She'd be MUCH MORE afraid of Cersei's wrath than Shae's threats. For all we know, could be the same handmaiden who ratted out Shae for being Tyrion's "whore".

  5. I think it was Shay.Im not sure but I think she may have been a double agent of sorts.For along time I thought she really cared for tyrion and only testified against him due to fear for her life.Not so sure now,being with his father in the end made me think that she may have been a plant from the begining.Again not sure whose plant,could be his father's or varyiys.I absolutely don't think Sandor told Cerci.

  6. There's no question that handmaiden fears Cersei far more than she fears Shae.ย  She definitely told her but I don't think that means the Hound didn't.ย  They both could have but it does raise at least the possibility he kept quiet.ย  I think he told, though. He's known for his loyalty to the Lannisters; even prides himself on how loyal "dogs" are.ย  He put up with a ton of stuff wearing that loyalty down before he finally cracked.

  7. Awww that's so sweet ๐Ÿ’œ good son! I love the mom tribute especially Catelyn HA! ๐Ÿ˜‚ now waiting for the next one I think I know where ur going with it maybe hmmm… now I'm curious

  8. He couldn't be seen as deceiving them, period. (No pun intended, though it fits pretty good.) Same with Varys. If either of them had lied to the Lannisters their lives would be forfeit. In the show, it wasnt The Hound who ratted on Sansa, it was another maid. Shae was going to help cover up for Sansa but another maid walked in and saw the bloody sheets, then ran to Cercei.

  9. hey man, I'm listening to book 5 right now and I'm on the tyrion chapter where he gets taken in as a slave by yezzen ko something something and I guess he went to sothoryos and now his eyes are yellow and he's rotting from the inside? potential video idea? :p can't wait to watch this one when I get home tmr. I was just listening about to fall asleep and yeah it really popped out at me

  10. This is also what always confuses me. If the Hound wanted to protect Sansa, he shouldn't have told. But why would they make it looked like it was the Hound who told.

  11. Hmm… Cersei giving Sansa advice makes me think… Cersei knows how bad it feels to be treated like shit. Robert never treated her with respect because he loved Lyanna. He was also unloyal, and although Cersei was a cheater too, she told Ned she loved Robert at the beginning until he whispered the name Lyanna into her ear.

    So Cersei knows how bad it is to go through hell as a queen. And when Sansa asks Cersei if she isn't supposed to love Joffrey, Cersei tells her that she can try, with a face of pity. Cersei CAN relate to Sansa. Joffrey didn't loved Sansa, she was just his plaything! Just like Cersei was to Robert. Yet… Cersei never instructed Joffrey to treat Sansa better. Sure, Joffrey wouldn't had listened, but my point is, Cersei applauded Joffrey's cruel acts against Sansa, as if Cersei also hated Sansa and was glad it was Sansa and not her anymore. It seems she could relate, but instead of trying to fix things, she was glad another girl is going through what she went through. Man… Cersei is a bigger bitch than previously though! lol

    Btw, I do think Sandor told on Sansa's flowering. He may not have wanted to do it, but his unbound loyalty probably forced him. I mean, he did hated The Lannisters, but one thing he was, is loyal to a point. His loyalty vanished when he realized Joffrey only used him as a weapon in Blackwater. How he and the men were sacrificing himself, and Joffrey was behind walls all scared. That's probably when he had enough, and spit the infamous most bad ass words in the show…


  12. OK, if you like theories, have fun with this one: Who is Coldhands? In the show, it is Benjen, but GRRM stated, that in the books, it is not Benjen. Disclamer – I thought about this without hearing this theory before, but there must be a lot of other people, who thought about the same thing. Anyway… Coldhands.

    He is most likely someone, who we know from the stories, as he is interesting character. So probably no random watchman, or wildling. He was killed long ago according to leaf, who is about 200 years old. He has connection to children and Bloodraven. He is a great fighter, great rider with special bound to his animal. He speaks another language. It is not so specific, but we can work with that.

    Let's assume, that the show portrayed the creation of the Others in at least similar way GRRM is planning to do in the books. So the children would be capable of either saving a half-changed person, or change living (or recently killed) person.

    So, we are looking for specific man – one, that had at least some role in the story and was killed long ago, someone, who was a rider of an animal, preferably with the ability to warg, someone, who was a good fighter and also, who was not confirmed as dead. Connection to Bloodraven and being killed near children of the forrest would be a great hint to confirm the theory.

    Well, there is just one person, who fits the description. The Rogue Prince. Daemon Targaryen was "killed" in the Dance with Dragons, but never found, although his sword, his enemy, his dragon and his enemy's dragon were all recovered. It happened over the God's Eye. He was a dragonrider, great warrior, member of Bloodraven's family, he even had the same sword as Bloodraven. He travelled a lot, so probably knew many languages, at least prayers in them. He had his own story, which ended in a weird way. His story itself would not be so important, he was a strong character, but there was no point in mentioning him in any other way, than as a part of story of his wife. The only reason so many pages are dedicated to him is if he plays role in the story of the 7 books. And if this theory is true, than because of Bloodraven probably has no blood left, Coldhands is source of pure Targaryan dragonrider blood behind the wall.

  13. If you remember, Sansa woke up screaming after her nightmare. Sandor is assigned to guard the King, not Sansa. Yet immediately barged into her room after hearing her. He may care deeply for her but at this moment in the books, he is The Hound first, and Sandor second. He is deeply loyal to the Lannisters, yet is being more and more swayed into being the ideal knight is Sansa's stories. I think he painfully told the Queen, it only strengthens the bittersweet SanSan dynamic.

  14. I was just watching the movie Bad Moms last night and I'm glad to see that YT is following suit LOL. GOT moms seriously suck. We never really see the kids eat or sleep, no consistent formal education, little killers, dirty looks to bastard kids and plenty of other abuses, their kids act kinda crappy on occasion (and a few have actually killed their own moms)…I mean WOW happy Mother's Day I guess lol

  15. That was a very sweet and touching Mother's Day compilation there Kev. We have Catlyn displaying what every mother of a teenage son has felt at least for a minute or so…..GET OUT! Said like Frasier…. birthing a life sucking demon, yep, pretty much nailed the essence of that after 9 months of pregnancy…. I see Danny is dropping her dragons off at Kindergarden, and walking away….yep, and then there is Seleyse, who we moms will compare ourselves to in defense, to feel better when we had a less than perfect mom day….."yeah….I forgot to give you lunch money, but at least I didn't BURN YOU AT THE STAKE SHADOW DEMON"……..

  16. I think the servant that ratted out Sansa to Cersei was the one that Shae threatened. She is the same one that saw Shae coming from Tyrion's room right before the Purple Wedding. If you notice, Cersei tells Tywin about Shae in a quick moment during the wedding. This was a great reaffirmation of his devotion! Love it!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Righteous vid Kev

    Loveโ™ฅ & Appreciate ๐Ÿ‘
    all your work-

    Always a pleasure ๐ŸŒˆ
    Thanx Kev!

  18. Hi Kev! I'd bet on it being word of mouth thru the handmaidens. Even if that handmaiden didn't go to Cersei, she would probably have told one of the other handmaidens, hard to keep secret like that.Also, as a sidenote, Sansas flowering is a bit over the top I'd say, for dramatic effect I suppose. Nobody I know had her first period like that, enough to soak sheets thru to bed. Not realistic at all GRRM. :/


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