The Walking Dead Season 8 – MAJOR DEATH REVEALED SPOILER Episode 4 will be remembered for the loss of a show favorite. The comic story of this character will play out when Ezekiel, Jerry and Carol are surrounded.



  1. Ezekial is extremely strong minded and strong willed. He doesn't live in some fantasy world like he thinks there all safe. He knows the world he lives in an will take this hard but will be OK fairly quickly. Everyone loses someone close. Everyone.

  2. CGI Lives Matter! Haha, those of us who read the comics knew this was going to happen but I'm not gonna lie, this will be such a depressing, horrible, & traumitizing death! I'm sure it will scar me for life and I'll have to go send $5 a mo to some adopt a tiger foundation somewhere and re-name my adopted tiger Shiva. I'm serious….haha! BUT YES! The Kang will probably check into Morgan's crazy house hotel and THIS is how the "Carekiel" (?) "Ezerol" (?) (?) Gets its 'meet cute'. Carol will be the only thing that brings him back after losing our favorite (and only) apocalyptic tiger Shiva and our faithful and noble squire Jerry. Carol Saves the Kang! Anyway, it's a theory😆

  3. We've been talking about Shiva's death since our first prediction video and it has finally come full circle. Ezekiel losing Shiva is the equivalent of Rick losing Lori, it may take him a while to get over this loss if at all but the King needs to take his own advice "fake it until you make it" or he will not live much longer. Thanks for your comments guys n gals

  4. I think he will shed the king facade. Which is kind of needed in my opinion. It's just getting embarrassing. Rick gives his shpeal, Maggie gives hers, then Ezekiel starts in with the dramatic soliloquy…Dude, nobody's buying it. Just be yourself & everyone will still follow you.

  5. Expected , sad , but not a surprise. I’m more concerned about Morgan . He is reverting into a mental breakdown.
    Also, will we get more about the spy situation? Is there a mole?


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