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Just sharing my ideas one of my favorite book series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. This video may contain spoilers for those of you who are not up to date with the series. That goes for the HBO show and the books.

I’m just speculating and guessing on some ideas that I have on how future events will transpire in the series. Keep in mind however, I know nothing.

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  1. An interesting parallel between consumption of shade of the evening turning the warlocks less corporeal and Tolkien's story is that use of the rings of power extended their human users' lives indefinitely, but they also gradually faded from the world and eventually became the ringwraiths.

  2. I think you're incorrect about the others not resembling humans, i think you're thinking along the lines of when something is said like they have unworldly beauty, so much so that it's not human like to be so refined aesthetically, but it doesn't mean literally not human, like the way you would say michael Jordan is a godly player, or korean or something more than mortal men at starcraft , or Einstein was so smart it wasn't human, or dath vader's more machine than man. I personally hold to the presumption that the others are a a race of humans, or a sub-race of first men of westeros, evolving, mutating, isolated, inbreeding in such extreme environmental condition and selective pressures, and with a narrow gene pool.

  3. The Blackwoods, my obsession, ruled the wolf’s wood, where Ironwood (black wood) grew. Shade of the evening is made from these trees. House Blackwood is special and their introduction in book five suggests they’ll be vital in the end.

  4. I'm totally aware this sounds super arrogant. But I want to talk about it, but I can't untell you. It's just super frustrating that I can't talk to anyone about it. I'm not exaggerating, I have figured it out.

  5. No. I'm sorry, but you're only half right. There is no evil. It's just people doing stuff and making choices. Living forever isn't evil. But sitting in a pile of dust drinking shade and doing nothing else isn't really very constructive.

    The reason she needs to remember the undying because dragons bring magic and Shade turns their eyes blue. You guys need to realize the things that aren't adding up. Look at the description of the sigil the Rhoynar brought and compare the architecture they brought with them with the ruins they claim are theirs. Water wizards don t build walls. They'd drown.

    The Others are the good guys! Come on.

  6. “Dragons stirring in Asshai” in Bran’s vision is a reference to the dragon Morning who I believe is in The Mountains of the Morn! I also believe it is this very dragon that Rhaego will be riding. Rhaego is a contender for TPTWP, born with the comet in the sky(bleeding star), amidst smoke (MMD tent fire), salt (in the Dothraki Sea) and is from the correct bloodline predicted by the woods witch. “Only TPTWP can bring the dawn” (Melisandre quote) Dawn is another word for Morning. Morning is going to be huge! Rivaling the size of Balerion, maybe bigger. Approximately 160+ years old depending on how much time has supposedly lapsed since his birth. The return of Rhaego is the end of Mirri Maz Duur prophecy to Dany. She lied to Dany about Rhaego being stillborn and kept her drugged up long enough to get the baby away and probably sent him on to Volantis. That temple has the Fiery Hand army. (There to protect someone or something, Rhaego. Not to mention to back Rhaego in the Great War to come.) “The dragon has three heads” “There must be another”
    I’ve always wondered(hoped) that Mamoa would be able to play the part of Rhaego since Dany’s visions and dreams have been of him full grown. With all the recent pictures of Mamoa with the cast and his hashtags over the years, his hair already having the blonde highlights makes me have hope that he might. Fans would love it. Rhaego at this point I believe should be about 7-10 years old. Although to be considered a man full grown can also be a young teen I believe.

  7. I think the Undying are more powerful around Dany just the same as Melisandre is more powerful at the Wall because she is close to Jon. The magic in the world is growing and they have something special about them.

  8. I love these long discussions but I always seem to miss them. I'm rereading the first book at the moment and they really change my perspective on things. Not sure if this has been covered already but 1) how does varys change his face? 2) why must there always be a stark in winterfell ?

  9. It's like Rhaegar understood that the Prince that was promised had to be born with the blood of Old Valyria and the blood of the First Men combined, the song of ice and fire. Only someone like that can face/defeat/communicate with the Others, regarding the pact made with that race, about 12000 years ago.
    The Others live so long that they could have used the comet has the alarm, like: 'Mark this on your calendar, when the comet comes again we will meet and talk.'

    Imagine, to live in a world that has so many intelligent diferent races. No darwin for these guys, lol.

  10. +Lucifer Means Lightbringer maybe the way you corrupt a weirwood, and turn it into a shade of the evening tree, is to feed it a certain kind of blood, some form of unclean blood sacrifice maybe?

    Thinking about it the three main cities in Tolkien's Gondor may relate to your idea of two moons in GRRM's planetos. The Capital of Gondor was once Osgiliath which might represent the Sun. Minas Tirith (formally Minas Anor) could be the fire moon. And Minas Morgul (formally Minas Ithil) could be the Ice Moon.

  11. The house of black and white has the system of tunnels underneath very similar to the network under the tree where Bloodraven and Bran are, also Bravos was revealed by the "singers" which is what the children call themselves…

  12. Just clarifying the Dune comments – the Guild Navigators go into the Spice Tanks and completely transform in order to be able to fold space. The Bene Gesserit merely have enhanced cognitive capabilities and longer life/youth. And Leto goes closer to the Guild Navigators, and transforms into a Sandworm by basically taking on the sandtrout as his skin.


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