107 Facts About Die Hard ►►


For 5 seasons, Game of Thrones has toyed with our emotions and sent us into a downward spiral of panicked screams, angry Twitter rants, and the occasional mourning of a fictional character’s death. So, what better way to honor the upcoming sixth season than to count down the 107 facts you should know about Game of Thrones Season 1. So find out all there is to know about Ned Stark, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, and the rest of Westeros.

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Check Out These 107s You May Have Missed!

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Written by: Dan Selcke, Grace Suarez, Believe
Hosted by: Rob Bradford
Graphics and Edited by: Believe & Kristen Valdez
Produced by: Matt Gielen, Jake Krengel, Soy Nguyen
Music by Audiomicro
-Curse of Dracul by cinematone
-Cyborg Pirate Nazi by cinematone
-God of War by cinematone
-The Dawning by cinematone
-The Quickening by cinematone

Image Sources

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  1. Momoa is one of the few people who CAN make aquaman cool, and awesome. But hey Electro is a crap villain but Jamie Foxx & the script made Electro fricking awesome, and massively dangerous! Mind you this electro was an electrical engineer, so he's a hell of a lot smarter than the comic's electro!

  2. OK, I'm only up through the third episode of season 6 ( I quit watching for a long time after Stannis burned his daughter as a sacrifice)…but, I just want to point out something that should have been obvious since season one.

    Jon Snow's mother is Cirse. His father is not Ned Stark, it's Robert Baratheon. If you couldn't figure that out from Ned's going through the book and focusing on the whole "with his hair of black" "with his hair of black" as he was reading through the Baratheon line…well, you're just not paying attention. Robert begged Ned to hide Jon, knowing the Lannister penchant for treachery.

  3. Viserys prostitute?! Excuse me she has a name! She is Doreah, Daenerys's handmaiden brought to her as a wedding gift. I don't know why am i so offended by this but i am! Humph!


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