The ultimate Doctor Who showdown.

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  1. I disagree so immensely with your list I can't even begin to critique it.
    American Doctor, McGann, was terrible. Not better than McCoy or Hurt.
    But I do agree that Moffat, a brilliant story writer, was terrible as showrunner.

  2. Eccleston will always be my favourite. It's probably at least in part because I was introduced to Doctor Who through his first episode, but also because I think he's the most well-rounded of the Doctors. Now that I go back and rewatch that first series of "New Who" as an adult, I end up crying more times than I care to admit just because I love 9 so damn much. I believe Eccleston left the show so quickly because he had issues with the way the BBC were running things, and it's still painful to think how little time my favourite had.

  3. Tom Baker I agree is the best Doctor.I have been fortunate to meet him 40 years ago as Dr Who in a book signing event.still my favorite actor to play the role.NO ONE has even come close to beating his long reign from 1974 to 1981.I dont think this will ever be beaten.Tom Baker is stil supurb today.

  4. Matt Smith better than Davison, Troughton and Pertwee? Come off it, the contrived “eccentricity” of fish-fingers and custard, bow ties and fezs and defeating enemies by simply telling them who he is and watching them scarper. Absolute rubbish.

  5. I have only watched the rebooted series (2005+) but I might as well put my list.
    1.Christopher eccelston (he was my first doctor) i know I'm biased because of this but I think he was fantastic
    2.David Tennant if he didn't have that thing with rose he might have been #1 but it got ridiculous.
    3. Matt Smith not much to say he was forgettable imo. I hated Amy and Rory but oh well.
    4.Peter capaldi minus the Weird cringey stuff like sonic sunglasses and hoodie (why?) He was a good actor and could have been better.
    5.The war doctor he wasn't even on for long enough to make a judgement judgement about him. I think it would be unfair to compare him to doctors who got an entire series.

  6. 1. David Tennant, good writing, excellent plotting, but most of all carried by an alien yet very sensitive performance. Lovable and and goofy, it's all the more startling when you realize how terrifying an angry Doctor can be.
    2. Matt Smith, nearly tying with Tennant for all the same reasons, ahead just because Smith kinda LOOKS alien but slips behind because he is sometimes just a little TOO goofy.
    3. Again, very close, Tom Baker. Until the modern incarnations came along he was the first, last, and ONLY Doctor I accepted. I love his wild eccentricities that paired so nicely with is hidden competence.
    After that my list gets fuzzy because there are just too many variables; i.e., great performances vs. stinky scripts (or vice versa), irritating storylines and/or companions and/or villains, cheap production values, and a million other things.

  7. My List
    1) 6th doctor
    2) 8th doctor
    3)12th doctor
    4) 4th doctor
    5) 3th doctor
    6) 7th Doctor
    7) 5th doctor
    8) 2th doctor
    9) 1th Doctor
    10) 11th doctor
    11) 10th doctot
    12) 9th doctor
    13) war doctor

    I love the war doctor but I put him in last place because he had little screen time and not many audios and comics


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