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Hey! Jeff’s back! Mr. Buoncristiano is taking us through some of his best tips. Watch on!

Jeff Buoncristiano Story & Interview | Keep on Growing

How to get an Athletic Beard Style | Jeff Buoncristiano

My Top 5 Beard Secrets | Jeff Buoncristiano

Beardbrand is a men’s grooming company that is helping men keep on growing by providing education and tools for urban beardsmen to master their morning routine. We’ve found that confidence starts with self investment, and allows men to do great things for their families, co-workers, and community. We are working to break down the negative stereotypes that surround bearded men, and show the world it’s the man who matters, not the way he looks.






  1. If anyone in the comments can help that would be greatly appreciated! Would Dove Men plus Care body and face wash be bad to use on my beard as a wash or should I keep using it. I wash it once or twice a week and then use oil everyday

  2. im on day 12 of beard growing for no shave november and its at the point where its super itchy and i just wanna shave it off im trying to grow my facial/beard out also how long does the itchy feeling normally last after 10 days in ??

  3. Brother, I’m @ 28 nw. But not a gud beard now nd not thick. How to grow up? Just give me a suggestion. Everyday I’m drinking water, eating almond, exercise, etc… but there is no grow up nd not thick.

  4. Jeff your beard still inspires me…. I've been a beardsman for about 3 years now and I love the inspiration and support for men that beardbrand offers. However, I still have never had a beard as long as I would like. Any thoughts on dealing with the stresses and negativity brought on by others ( ie. girlfriends, coworkers, bosses, gf's parents) as these have always gotten to me enough to trim my beard….. and never got past the awkward point.

  5. I have handlebar mustache with a van dyke beard… should I shave off the rest and keep the handlebar stache for movember?

    I kind of want to try it out but feel like I might look stupid, but some of my friends think it would look better without the beard & I only get compliments on the stache.

    What do you guys think?

  6. Great video Jeff. As always, you do a great job with these types of videos. I really like your comment to not compare your beard to anybody else's. I think it is OK to look at others as a source of inspiration. But as you say, each person needs to focus on what is best for them. About 2 years ago, when I started growing my beard to its current length, it was new territory for me and I was constantly looking for YouTube videos to know what to do and how to take care of it. That is where your & other Beardbrand videos really helped. I learned about beard oil, boar bristle brushes, wide-tooth combs, beard balm, etc. It took a while for me to get used to my longer beard & I was a bit self-conscious about it. Even 2 years ago, a mid-size beard was not as common in the workplace (I work for an oil company) and I would get comments from others. Things are very different now as beards are much more common and I am just another dude with a beard.

  7. Great advice.
    First time beard grower here.
    I also needed to learn to keep up with my beard. As it grew it's manageability changed so, I needed to learn to stop expecting this month's beard to do what last month's beard did.
    While this was obvious when I went from stubble to the first couple of centimeters it was much less obvious as it got a bit longer.
    Also just getting familiar with my products. I needed to learn how much balm was enough and what was the right combination of wax and balm to achieve that look I wanted. Or whether or not I was using the right grade of wax. Switching from my usual brand of wax helped a lot. Thanks again for that wax suggestion Jeff!
    Lastly I would suggest talking to someone about your beard: frustrations, goals and what have you. This really helped me be more present and realistic instead of thinking about that 12th month of growth or style I saw that may not be attainable for my hair type. Thanks again to Jeff for that conversation!

  8. This dude sounds ridiculous lol , also what do you do man sit around the house all day ? I have to wash my beard everyday from working and i come home and my beard also smells like shit so my opinion bad tip !


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