It’s been said that everything we need to know about where this story is going is hidden in the text of the first book. So here goes – an in-depth exploration of a Game of Thrones chapter-by-chapter, let’s see what we can find!

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Information for this video is sourced from the ASoIaF novels, HBO’s GoT, The Lands of Ice and Fire, The World of Ice and Fire, A Wiki of Ice and Fire, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, The Ice Dragon, The Rogue Prince, The Princess and the Queen et al.

Special thanks for for the amazing OST

Images and footage of HBO’s Game of Thrones used under the Freedom and Innovation Revitalizing U.S. Entrepreneurship Act of 2007: (IV) Public domain works; (V) Public interest work and research



  1. love what you do and your voice is worth a million bucks you need to get into some cartoons or movies or video games, i can listen to you all day and if you havent noticed the views youre getting is a lot considering you only really talk about the book… im only book 2 an halfway through but im in love!! these books are insane…. love your commentary about them, keep up the amazing work!!

  2. Unrelated question but an interesting one. Regarding the Benjen and bran scenes when bran is saved from wights and then later when they are saying goodbye, at first Benjen says that Barn will learn to control the visions and be waiting for the night king, said when bran first saved. Later during the goodbye, Benjen looks at Bran in the strangest scariest way, twice. Like he does not trust Bran. First scene I thought it was proof Bran is not Night King, but second scene really makes me wonder. Anyone else notice this?….

  3. More foreshadowing of Rhaego’s future. Dany talking to her unborn child telling him, “You are the true dragon.” Just the same as Viserys telling Jorah how her child will never be a real dragon. He was jealous of her unborn child. 😂 “Fierce as the storm he shall be” Rhaego will be returning and he will be bringing the Morning. 🐲 At least that is my prediction. ❤️❄️🔥

  4. If Daenarys feelss she by right of blood is entitled to rule westeros, sit on the throne, and ought to be respected and obeyed by virtue of her blood and family name less the be turned to ash in an instant by pet dragon 'children'; yet she stood their and watched in silence, absent were words of protest. taciturn whilst her brother, her king, rightful sovereign is scolded to death by molten gold in consciousness. How is her bemoaning the virtue of her lineage be ample reason to rule unelected, a people she considers her own yet she needs an army of foreigners to escort her to her 'people' and her 'homeland', with a trio of dragons to inspire fear and remind them that they are loyal to her, yet admirably acquiesce to being reduced to a pile of ash rather than obey this invasion of foreign hordes and weapons of mass destruction, and who resist her aggression assertions to claim her fathers bequeathed chair to her brother and so is now her nepostistic turn try her hand at playing potentate. Is this not hypocritical, to ask that the custom her blood be honored, even though besmirching that very same blood sometime earlier herself with Viserys? And is it also not hypocritical to claim Cercei is making the women and children of Westeros orphans and widows as a result of making the men fight and therefore die, that daenarys is here to murder them and make westeros and everyone in it hers, that's not her or what she's there for she says, and then immediately after demand what she just condemned, that they fight and die, or she will murder them?…

  5. I finally gave in to the inevitable and bought the audiobooks. No more show only for me! So far, I've enjoyed listening to a chapter and then come here to listen to your unraveling of it, and so on. I gotta admit, I wish you were the narrator on the audiobooks! I love your accent and could listen to your read the whole series!

  6. I think that all of the prophecies in A Song of Ice and Fire are true, but all of the characters are terrible at interpreting the prophecies. The Stallion that Mounts the World, for example, was never Rhaego. I think the prophecy was actually about Drogon, and maybe Dany herself. The Dosh Khaleen just interpreted the prophecy to mean Rhaego.
    There is also the possibility that prophecies are inevitable, and even if you try to prevent them from happening, they will find a new way to come true. This happens a lot in Greek mythology, where a kid is prophesied to kill their family, so the family tries to prevent their deaths by killing the kid. Inevitably, the kid somehow survives the botched infanticide, and years later unknowingly kills their family. I think in A Song of Ice and Fire, this could go a step further when the prophecy adapts to a changes in order to still come true. For example, maybe Rhaego was the Stallion that Mounts the World, but then he died, so the prophecy needed a different child of Daenerys to be fulfilled. Thus, the dragons were only born, because they had to fulfill the role of Dany's dead son.


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