It’s time for my top 10 reunions I want to see in Game of Thrones season 7! I love it when we see characters be reunited after a long time. Who did not cry when Jon Snow hugged Sansa Stark in Season 6?

Top 10 Characters – Thanks for watching!

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  1. I am shocked this video has gotten over 20k views and that you guys liked it so much. Thank you!

    Saturday 15th April I will be uploading the Top 10 First Meeting video so keep an eye out for it.

  2. Sandor clegane and sansa should be exciting, because back then she was saved by the hound and she might make the hound one of her guards with the girl who the hound called a dumb bitch and the one he fight. They will get along in the future

  3. most of the reunions i want to see involve Arya and not in the top ten are…. her direwolf, Gendry, the Red woman (as Arya calls her on her list), Bran and Brienne of Tarth

  4. Jon Snow became BFFs with Tyrion.
    […..“I leave on the morrow,” Tyrion said.

    “I know.” Jon sounded strangely sad.

    “I plan to stop at Winterfell on the way south. If there is any message that you would like me to deliver …”

    “Tell Robb that I’m going to command the Night’s Watch and keep him safe, so he might as well take up needlework with the girls and have Mikken melt down his sword for horseshoes.”

    “Your brother is bigger than me,” Tyrion said with a laugh. “I decline to deliver any message that might get me killed.”

    “Rickon will ask when I’m coming home. Try to explain where I’ve gone, if you can. Tell him he can have all my things while I’m away, he’ll like that.”

    People seemed to be asking a great deal of him today, Tyrion Lannister thought.

    “You could put all this in a letter, you know.”

    “Rickon can’t read yet. Bran …” He stopped suddenly. “I don’t know what message to send to Bran. Help him, Tyrion.”

    “What help could I give him? I am no maester, to ease his pain. I have no spells to give him back his legs.”

    “You gave me help when I needed it,” Jon Snow said.

    “I gave you nothing,” Tyrion said. “Words.”

    “Then give your words to Bran too.”

    “You’re asking a lame man to teach a cripple how to dance,” Tyrion said. “However sincere the lesson, the result is likely to be grotesque.
    Still, I know what it is to love a brother, Lord Snow. I will give Bran whatever small help is in my power.”

    “Thank you, my lord of Lannister.” He pulled off his glove and offered his bare hand. “Friend.”

    Tyrion found himself oddly touched.

    “Most of my kin are bastards,” he said with a wry smile, “but you’re the first I’ve had to friend.”
    He pulled a glove off with his teeth and clasped Snow by the hand, flesh against flesh. The boy’s grip was firm and strong.]

  5. It would be nice if Tyrion and Arya actually meet. In season 1 she was like where is the imp? They never really meet. So she might be like so we finally meet atleast. Only took six seasons.


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