We only have two seasons left in Game of Thrones. We are getting close to the end game but there are still a lot of things that need to happen or be wrapped up. In this video I give you my top 10 things that need to happen before the show ends after Season 8! Thanks for watching!

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  1. Leave it to the Scottish guy to say "more main characters killed off." But, alas, you're right. And I really hope my accent detection is decent enough to know you're Scottish.
    I love your work and look forward to your videos everyday. Thanks for the hard work 🙂

  2. It seems the Children have known about dragonglass ages ago, at the time of the creation of the white walkers. Doesn't this suggest that they must have known about dragons as well? Actually, dragons came around much later than that, at least to Westeros the dragons came only with the Conquest. So it is rather suspicious for the Children to own dragonglass, as Westeros was home to the Children. There must be a major clue with the prevalence of dragonglass, so early, to the Children. The "history" as we know it should not make it possible for dragonglass to be available in Westeros, when dragons came much later. I think there must be a major twist to the history that is yet to be revealed, and that will be clue to the intentions of the Children, White Walkers, and maybe dragons as well. Another pointer to support this: the books mention the existence of black stone artefacts like the seastone chair and the hightower of oldtown, already there when the first men arrived. Dragonglass seems to be a connection between so many plot points, dragons, children, white walkers, valyrian steel, etc – what may be the explanation?

  3. I think Dany will use 1 of her Dragons 2 melt the Irom Throne! Why U may ask? Because the swords are made of Valyrian steel! Also, the wheel that Dany is going 2 stop. Gendry is a Blacksmith and I can see him forging at least 3,000 swords from the steel in the throne! Balerion the black Dread melted Aegon's defeated foes into the Iron Throne so I can see Drogon( who will be as big as the black Dread in S7 melt it 2 have the realm because Valiryan steel turns white walkers into ice chips!

  4. U fucked up your list by saying U want 2 see the Mother of Dragons lose a child!! Hell no! The dragon has 3 heads! Not 1 or 2 but 3 and I have a feeling who the other 2 dragon riders are! IF they do this it will Piss me off! I can also see Bran worging into said resurrected dragon because it won't fight Byan's magic, cause it has no will of its own.I think Queen Daenerys will rule from Dragonstone, The throne room looks burnt from the outside-wildfire EXPLODES everything around it, just look at the Sept of Baelor!

  5. straight up tinfoil coming, literally just had this idea. but what if the WW rebelled because of either
    A- the quality of the sacrifice, we know sacrifice and magic go hand in hand from sly things GRRM has said and danys dragon birthing. so maybe because he the NK was an unwilling sacrifice its not a true sacrifice and the spell backfired. or the quality being who they chose, a stark may have too much honour to fully succumb to a genocidal magic but can't fight it completely and as such is fighting his own war.

    or B they didn't realise how sentient the WW would be, and they are just seeking to secure their own survival and success like the men and children were in the Dawn age when they were created.

  6. Sorry to rant but does anyone else kinda dislike Sansa? I mean look at that cold and slightly condescending and haughty look on her face at 5:02. I know the girl has been through hell, but still. She's definitely got a greedy streak. Littlefinger is definitely trying to manipulate her there, but Sansa. Yikes. She looks like she really doesn't care less about Jon or her family.

  7. 1. Cersei dying. 2. Sansa dying. 3. Harrenhall flashback (this one NEEDS TO HAPPEN or i'm going to tear down HBO to the ground), 4. Dany Jon meeting 5. Tormund hooking up with Brienne. 5. Tyrion reuniting with Bronn. 6. Stark family reunion 7. Dragon death 8. The wall coming down, and those slow ice motherfuckers finally coming over to fuck everyone up.

  8. 1. I don't think Bran dying is very likely. I think he's gonna have some huge role in the whole WW vs. people so I don't see him die in 7th season, probably at the end, but not now. 2. I just really wanna see Littlefinger die some horribly satisfying death

  9. I sub many got channels. I put you on the top of the list. As long as you are enjoying your work, keep going. Not sure there any rewards from it except the venture, and if you hit Toronto you have a friend. Thanks Man.

  10. The wildifre? From book 2 we are told that the Mad King had the pyromancers storing jars of the stuff all over the city. We already saw the cache under the great sept – since Cersei used it – but there's other caches of this stuff elsewhere in Kings Landing. Probably even under the dragon pit where they are all meeting., Maybe its a trick from Cersei to blow them up but that's not likely I think

  11. I think Nymeria will show up just in time to save Arya at some point.I assume there will be a lot of shake-ups and deaths before this is over. I bet Little Finger buys the farm this coming season; surely Theon will and more than likely, his sister.


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