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  1. The necklace came from Ser Dontos. He was the guy Sansa saved on Joffrey's name day when Joffrey ordered his men to drown Ser Dontos with wine poured down his throat with a horn. She suggested that he make him his fool because it's bad luck to kill anyone on your name day.
    The Hound's scene in the tavern is hands down his best. Every fookin' chicken in this place…

  2. I wanna see your reactions when there is a change into the intro song…..for example in season 3 when winterfell was burned down the intro shows it in smoke….u will notice other changes in winterfell as more seasons come.

  3. Also, it's been established that the nights watch men go to fuck whores in moletown all the time. That part of the code isn't taken that seriously apparently. (technically not even in the code btw). Anyway, Jon should've told them to go fuck themselves anyway. He had to sleep with her, it'd be pretty hard to be an effective spy if you're still following the code, pretty suspicious.

    "heej, this dude who has taken a vow of celibacy says he no longer follows those vows, but he refuses to sleep with this hot redhead…."

  4. Non-spoilery explenation of Dorne.

    The Martells and the lannisters aren't allies. And dorne isn't a seperate country, it's one of the 7 kingdoms, the reason they still get to have royal titles is because unlike the other kingdowns, Dorne was never conquered. They joined the 7 kingdoms through marriage.

    Like you said, when Robert rebelled the Martells fought with the Targaryans, because the prince was married to a Martell (which was an insult to Tywin btw, who wanted and expected Rhaegar to marry Cersei), and they were loyal to the crown. Tywin at first neither joined the rebellion nor came to the aid of the mad king, whom as I mentioned earlier, had been insulting Tywin, and had caused a rift between them.

    When Rhaegar died, and it became clear that Robert would win the rebellion, Tywin chose a side. He took his armies to kings landing and pretended to come to the kings aid. Grand Maester Pycelle convinced the mad king to let Tywin in, while Jaime advised the king not to.

    When Tywin was let in his armies sacked the city, the mountain and his men killed Rhaegar and Elias children, and the mountain then rape and murdered Elia.
    The mad king wanted to blow up kings landing with wildfire, causing Jaime to stab him and the pyromancer.

    Tywin wrapped up the corpses of the babies and gave them to Robert as a peace offering. No heirs meant no problems down the line, unfortunately Rhaegars brother Vicerys was whisked away on a ship with his mother Rhaella Targaryen, who gave birth to Daenerys in the storm, making her "Daenerys stormborn".

    Tywin then married Cersei to Robert, cementing Roberts rule and fulfilling his goal of seeing his line on the throne through his daughters children (Joffrey).

    So the Martells aren't allied with the lannisters, they hate them for killing Elia, they also hate Robert because he started the rebellion that ended in her death, and because Robert never punished Tywin for killing the princess and her children, moreover he even married his daughter, so they hate Robert as well.
    They are not too fond of the Starks because Rhaegar chose Lyanna over Elia, causing the war, and because Ned was part of that same rebellion.
    They are also not overly fond of the Targaryans because the mad king basically caused all this nonsense, together with Rhaegar.

    Ned was horrified by the deaths of the babies, and Roberts unwillingness to punish Tywin soured their relationship for years.

    The only reason the Martells are "allied" to the lannisters is because Joffrey is king (who is officially a Baratheon), and the queen regent and kings hand are both Lannisters, which basically forces them to be allies, they are under their rule.
    In a perfect world they would have joined Robbs rebellion, but alas, in a perfect world Robb would have married Margaery anyway and they'd have easily won the war. Hell, in a perfect world the war never would've happened in the first place.

  5. Oberyn is sucha fucking badass. You really should watch the histories and lore. Then you'd know these histories.

    Rhaegar was married to princess Elia of Dorne when he kidnapped and raped Lyanna. As Oberyn says, When Tywin took kingslanding the Mountain raped and killed the princess with the blood of her children still on his hands.

  6. Robert's rebellion started because Rhaegar Targaryen who was the prince and heir to Aerys the mad king supposedly kidnapped Lyanna Stark, Ned's sister, who was bethroted to Robert. When the rebel forces started to win (and Robert killed Rhaegar) Tywin, who was hand of the king, switched side to the rebellion, sacked King's Landing, and then Jamie killed Aerys. Supposedly Tywin also ordered his men (The Mountain) to kill Elia Martell, Rhaegar's wife and Oberyn's sister, as well as their children to end the Targaryen dynasty.

  7. Tywin wants Jamie to take his place as Lord of Casterly Rock , to marry a woman (who isn't his sister) , have children ( who aren't born of incest ) so they can carry on the Lannister name . I'm not sure if Tywin actually loves any of his kids , but his house and it's name he loves very much .

  8. If Jamie wasn't a kings guard then the mad king would have burned them all there would be no kings landing So Tywin should be proud of Jamie but noooo all he cares about is his family name continuing.

  9. Much as I admire Tolkien, and I do admire Tolkien — he’s been a huge influence on me, and his Lord of the Rings is the mountain that leans over every other fantasy written since and shaped all of modern fantasy — there are things about it, the whole concept of the Dark Lord, and good guys battling bad guys, Good versus Evil, while brilliantly handled in Tolkien, in the hands of many Tolkien successors, it has become kind of a cartoon. We don’t need any more Dark Lords, we don’t need any more, ‘Here are the good guys, they’re in white, there are the bad guys, they’re in black. And also, they’re really ugly, the bad guys.
    It is certainly a genuine, legitimate topic as the core of fantasy, but I think the battle between Good and Evil is waged within the individual human hearts. We all have good in us and we all have evil in us, and we may do a wonderful good act on Tuesday and a horrible, selfish, bad act on Wednesday, and to me, that’s the great human drama of fiction. I believe in gray characters, as I’ve said before. We all have good and evil in us and there are very few pure paragons and there are very few orcs. A villain is a hero of the other side, as someone said once, and I think there’s a great deal of truth to that, and that’s the interesting thing. In the case of war, that kind of situation, so I think some of that is definitely what I’m aiming at.- GRRM

    You guys were spot on. Keep up the great work!

  10. Is it only me or is the guys voice quite low compared to the show ad music's volume for anyone else? I find myself having trouble understanding you guys in some scenes. But yeah love your reactions anyways! And your reaction at 18:05 is priceless 😀

  11. I can't wait for your reactions for the rest of the season, you're one of the best GoT reactors, top 3 actually with Hunter Boyle and Hogwarts. Trust me, I've watched a lot 😛

  12. Jaime wants to be in the Kingsguard so that he cannot marry and be close to Cersei. The fact that even after he is called Kingslayer, he remains in the Kingsguard should have tipped Tywin to this. Tywin just wants him to continue the Lannister line because he definitely doesn't want Tyrion to be his heir. Remember how he threatened Olenna Tyrell that he would put Loras in the Kingsguard and deprive the Tyrells of an heir?

  13. 26:00 "I'm trying to understand [Cersei's] point of view." I've mentioned this on a few videos, but basically the only thing I can think of at this point when Cersei says "you took too long.." Think about what's happened to her in the last two seasons. She's being forced to relive the greatest nightmare of her life — an arranged marriage to someone she hates (she didn't hate Robert when she married him, but she certainly came to). My guess is she felt if Jaime was there, there's no way he would have allowed that to happen. Now it's too late, and Jaime and Cersei are powerless.


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