Chris, Jenny & Max take an in-depth look at the Game of Thrones Season 7: Official Trailer as well as hopes, theories and predictions for season 7. I’m joined by Jenny and Max in today’s rather extended video.
The trailer:
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  1. How you guyz don't know the simple Direwolf Name Theory…..
    Summer…..died because…..Summer ended with Winter coming…..get it……Winter is finally here….so Summer had to die….
    Ghost ….is named ghost…..because Jon Snow is kind of a ghost now after coming back to life….
    Nymeria… named after Dornish queen Nymeria who was missing/hiding just like Arya is……
    similar things go for The Lady and others

  2. Sansa will marrry Jon — her cousin — so that he can remain the King of the North. The Lords know on one King, and his name is Stark.

    Sansa is also the Lady of Winterfell as he mother Catelyn was.

    The BWB with Beric are heading North and will likely meet up with Arya and head for Winterfell.

    If Little finger FINDS OUT that Jon is a Targaryen, he will kill him.

    Lady Stoneheart 2.0 is coming this season.

  3. WTH guys? The Trailer is toretelling a lot of Season 7.

    House Lannister is doomed. Cersie will become the made Queen, Jamie will kill her. Jamie will di as he has Widows Wail.

    Tyrion is Daeny's basterd brother and one of the Three Heads of the Dragon. Mel being at Dragonstone looking down at Jon, Daeny & Tyrion will work out that they are the Three Heads of the Dragon … are all Targaryen … and together will save the Living.

    The Azor Ahai is the THREE HEADS OF THE DRAGON.

    Jon has been told who his parents are by Bran which is why he attacks Little Finger at Lyanna's crypt. LF does not know Jon is a Targaryen otherwise he would kill Jon. But he work it out especially after being attacked at Lyanna's crypt.

    Little Finger is dead this season. Arya has the Valyria steel Dagger that LF had. Arya will kill Little Finger.

    Jon is North of the Wall searching for Children of the Forest. Jon is repeating the quest of the LAST HERO. If there are no more Children, Jon is fucked so it is likely Daeny will save him.

    However …

    Season 2 Visions at the House of Undying tell us that 1) Daeny takes the Throne in Winter & 2) Daeny dies NORTH OF THE WALL.

    Remember that Daeny's conquest is suppost to be a repeat of Aegons … with his THREE dragons … and THREE dragonriders … and the THREE dragonriders were directly related and Targaryen.

    Aegon's sister wife Rhaenys DIED in battle when her dragon Meraxes was killed with a bolt through his eye.

    One of the dragonriders dies.

    Daeny and Drogon will die this season … NORTH of the Wall saving Jon.

    Tyrion will take the Throne aferr Daeny dies and his dragon will be Viserion.

    The most important characers are Daeny, Jon, Tyrion — the Three Heads of the Dragone — and Bran. What matters is what happens with these characters not supporting characters.

  4. I took the whole a girl is finally no one thing as Arya learned that she dosnt have to give up her life completely to be no one. She just needed to learn that the identity of Arya is one she can put on and take off the same way she does with the clam seller.

  5. I know that GRRM is a big fan of LOTR, but for him to have basically the same ending of LOTR doesn't make sense to me. The whole Theme of LOTR is being written by Bilbo,Frodo and Sam would be too much of the same thing. Don't see ASOIAF being witten by Sam.


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