Should President Trump overturn a stupid Obama-era rule banning big game hunters from keeping trophies like elephant tusks? As someone with years of experience seeing pink elephants, Michael explains. Then, Paul Bois and comedian Owen Benjamin join the Panel of Deplorables to talk lascivious leftists at the New York Times, red tape destruction at the EPA, and President Covfefe’s latest poetry.

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  1. Sadly this is the same argument the left likes to use to violate our 2nd amendment rights. People who violate the law do this bad thing, so let’s out outlaw this activity. For god sakes don’t regulate the activity, and use the money made to help prevent the the bad guys from doing bad things. Personally i don’t like trophy hunting when the meat will be waisted. However I understand that trophy hunters do help cull the herd and keep them healthier.

  2. First of all, for all of the dipshits who won't read the whole thing, let me just say that I'm not a fan of trophy hunting. Hunting for food is one thing, but I don't buy the whole "macho trip" that some people get by killing an animal, even an extremely dangerous one, with high-tech weaponry. …Not my thing.
    Now, that being said, just remember that elephants are dangerous animals. A rogue bull can easily kill a rhinoceros. They trample crops and endanger people in the local villages. This means that, not only do the villagers not care about their welfare, the villagers gladly support poachers. By allowing for legal hunting the local villages get money that the preserves generate and jobs to improve their lives…legally. This makes the villagers value the elephants (alive, mind you), and they will not only be willing to set-aside land for the animals, but they'll help fight the poachers to protect their "12k pound gold mines."
    Also, like marijuana decriminalization, when a legal supply can be provided, it lowers the cost of the item. Once you get to a certain point, it's no longer profitable for the illegal end of the business to risk their lives (now from the villagers, as well as the animals) for less profit.

  3. I don't understand trophy hunting.
    I love gun's, hot girls, MMA, capitalism, and I think that hunting for meat where the population of the hunted species is at least plentiful if not overpopulated is great, but what comes from trophy hunting? …beside a rotting animal carcass along with a shallow ego boost.
    Capitalism allows for freedom of opportunity, not freedom to do/kill/say/fuck anything you want.

  4. Talk about contradictions.. Apply this same logic to dogs in this country. Over abundance, no money to keep them all in shelters.. Should we let rich sadists pay money to go into your subdivision and start harvesting loose dogs?

  5. Michael, I understand the logic here, I've also done my own research to back to this up previously. However, I'm surprised you missed one key factor. The country itself, which is currently in political turmoil. When a country isnt stable none of this works the way its supposed to, they have bigger problems to deal with. So lets maybe wait a littls and let this coupe settle a bit before we hand over hundreds of thousands of dollars.
    In addition if we really want to save elephants we nees to focus on asia. The black market ivory trade in China, the tourism in southeast asian countries whih exploits the animals while there alive.

  6. Pro-Abortionists are immoral lost souls who put the "cause" of rhinos and antelope in the African Bush above that of babies in the womb struggling for survival in their own body. A baby reacts to a scalpel in the womb when prodded, he or she is fighting instinctively for their own life, just as it will be when we come out into the light and struggle for survival. Being on one side or the other of thin flesh does not lessen our humanity or our right to be allowed to live without physical harm. Yet abortionists champion the "right" to end his or her life prematurely and at the same time are apoplectic when Zelda the zebra is shot to ensure enough grazing land. This is not simply immoral, it is a truly demented and perverse sense of priority and perspective.

  7. I'm not a liberal, and never will be, but I don't like trophy hunting. Can't give you a free-market justification as to why I don't think it should happen – I just think it's indulgent, and betrays our humanity.

  8. A simple question for the supporters of trophy hunting: couldn't the guy that payed those 350k to shoot a black rhino have donated the money instead of shooting the animal?
    Answer: no he couldn't have, because trophy hunters are assholes. The end result would've been money for conservation PLUS a live rhino, but of course minus a psycho's thrill.
    I just wish trophy hunters would be sincere; then, at least we'd have a starting point for an honest debate, but when they push this "we kill because the money will go to conservation, so we care" BS argument I can't help but supporting outright banning trophy hunting and this is coming from a small gov. supporter. See what you made me do?


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