Brienne arrives at Riverrun. Arya seeks shelter. Jaime meets with Edmure Tully. Cersei challenges the Faith. Sandor Clegane hunts for revenge. Tyrion faces the consequences of earlier decisions. Matt, Ben, and Brett review the eighth episode of Game Of Thrones season 6.

Every Monday What The Flick?! offers professional, in-depth reviews of Game Of Thrones with Ben Mankiewicz, John Iadarola, Cenk Uygur, and Matt Atchity.



  1. This whole season has felt like a stall in hopes Martin finally gets his shit together and finishes the story. The Riverrun part of this episode was too damn long. The High sparrow should have been gone by episode 2 and he's still around. Cersei should have wasted him already. How many scenes are there of people hugging someone or approaching them closely in this show and then stabbing them and exchange of power is instantaneously changed? The fix is so easy, but this show is stalling in search of new ideas to progress the story.

  2. The reason they padded out the Arya story here, is because they needed to add some weight behind her decision to leave the Faceless Men. The scenes where she's being mothered, for the first time in god knows how long, reminds her that family, love and warmth is what really matters. And that's why she decides to leave eventually. Arya's story was about finding herself amidst absolute grief and chaos at a young age.

  3. On Jamie, I think for some people evil is not who you are, but a choice. I believe this is a character who can at any moment choose between good or evil, specially having become someone who is so aware of himself and the righteousness of these situations.

  4. A couple things. The knife that stabbed Aryia was pretty small and could have easily missed important stuff but the waif should have been better…unless the gods were helping. The episode 7 It seems that I am the only one who saw the fist in Marjory's drawing of the rose. In this episode I think the Blackfish is alive. The soldier telling Jamie looked very suspicious and was probably one of his men with a Lannister uniform that I'm guessing that he killed and dragged in to a dark corner. I did search through to look for the same nose but didn't see it.

  5. Haha, he's like George W. Bush but smarter! Couldn't leave the liberal politics out of a friggin Game of Thrones review, could you?
    Still love these reviews though, don't get me wrong, but what a cringey shoe-horned remark.

  6. Arya gets stabbed up, takes huge falls. The kills the assassin girl. Sneaks back into their base and from what I saw could have easily killed the no face guy………. Hmmmmm OK. Finally something fake and annoying in the best boxset I've ever seen.

  7. Arya reminded her father of her sister Lyanna. Lyanna resembled Arya and she was strong willed like Lyanna. Arya Stark, though only a child, survived a painful childhood because she is intelligent and has a strong will. Arya is smart enough to save her Direwolf, learns water dancing, pretends to be a boy, survives the attack on the way to the wall, fools Tywin, escapes Harrenhal, travels with The Hound killing many people on her journey. At the House of B&W, she survives blindness and learns to be an assassin. Yet, suddenly, in episode seven, Arya is right handed and is now a complete foolish idiot? Arya studied the "Old woman" face on the wall yet, on the bridge, she did not know this was The Waif? Arya knew her advantage was fighting with in darkness with Needle. Arya knew that she had to take a risk and bait The Waif to her hiding spot so she is brazen with the ship captain. On the bridge, Arya is ready and waiting. Arya sees The Waif coming so she covers up her neck, backs away, gets slashed once by design, jumps into the water, comes out and leads a trail of blood to her hiding spot. Arya drinks medicine that she steals from the House of B&W then she stitches herself. (Arya knows how to sew) The Waif finds her and Arya outsmarts her by cutting the candle. The stabbing and chase scene was utter nonsense and is inconsistent with her character and continuity. Arya is stabbed several times, loses blood, goes into shock and jumps into a river of s**t with no infection and runs through the streets and jumps off rooftops? In contrast, Roose Bolton is stabbed once and dies instantly? This episode made me ill and has a rating of “Cancelling HBO and just wait for W.O.W.”

  8. you really should read the books or at least research what you're talking about because they completely changed Jaime's story otherwise you'd know he does redeem himself in the book and actually becomes a decent person …

  9. You guys are annoying to listen to when you can't get any character names right, such as "the fire people" really??? And please look into Thoros of Myr so you can present his backstory a little more accurately. Thanks. Otherwise, I enjoy listening. 🙂

  10. Places Varys could be going. 1) Dorne to get them to support Dany (eewww sandsnakes) 2) to talk to the ironborn, but they already want to join Dany, so idk why he would 3) King's Landing to do a thing from the books (would be weird to do it now tho) or to convince the Tyrells to join Dany (would be cool, but Tommen would probably need to die first)

  11. Ben Mankiewicz start askinig a very good questions as we all are, but not answers.
    I like u Ben, but give us a critic answers, we the questions.
    Matt Atchity was spot on, thumbs up for him, good job, no wonder you are Editor in chief from RT.

  12. Arya's time was not wasted, she gained essential survival skills (and perhaps the wisdom of vigilance ultimately ). Perhaps the wound she sustained is necessary as a liability in the final season.

  13. Should have had the waif take arya's face and then give us a crazy reveal in a few episodes.  If they did not show the waif's face in the collection I would have sworn that was what happened.


    grind the suckers up and put the pieces in cannons or on the tips of
    arrows and aim them at the enemy. Gross? Yes it is gross but it's a
    hell of a deterrent to war and this is Game of Thrones afterall

  15. I'm calling it now, quote me later. In the preview of episode 9, jons army is seen crazed charging at Ramsey's army. I bet yous a lot of money I have the reason they do that and not plan the attack is because Ramsay kills rickon in front of Jon snow just because he's Ramsay and he's an evil dick, and this will get Jon and Sansa enraged.

  16. This episode felt like a mess tbh. Felt like it had some good ideas, poor execution. And I'm tired of cool characters dying off screen… more poor writing. The Blackfish is more important than the others who died.

    Btw, Edmure doesn't get the castle. The Freys do. Edmure will be taken to Casterly Rock it seems.

    And Jamie's story pisses me off. They fucked up his arc… he should be doubting Cersei at this point and questioning his own feelings for her… ugh. The books are still better.

  17. Damn, if they didnt know what happened to those 2 Lannister kids that was captured in the Mill then these guys are just talking out of their asses. That part was the turn point of the Stark rally, reason why Carstark was executed and probably gave Bolton the reason why he should betray the Starks.
    STOP PRETENDING FUCKERS! Go and suck each others dicks!

  18. lol I feel like you guys barely know what you're talking about… "the things we do for love"…how can't you remember that?? that sums up Jaime completely as a character lol…seriously review something you know guys for real, wow

  19. These people suck! I hope that hard working people out there make more money than these Ass-Hats. On all their videos on Game of Thrones not just this one. They have no clue what they are talking about OK maybe one of them does and I know if you don't like don't watch. I listen to other channels on Game Of Thrones while i fall asleep and when i wake up these pole lickers come up on my feed with their 40 min videos of diarrhea of the mouth. Read The Books Morons know your job what the flick?! I Feel a little bit better goodbye.

  20. At 11:30 they start discussing Edmure Tully's stupidity and they bring up the young Lannister's whom he captured. (Never explained how, IIRC). For those that didn't notice, this is where the actor Dean-Charles Chapman first appears. He is doing the role of Martin Lannister and later appears as Prince Tommen Baratheon. He's as insipid as Joffrey was socipathic but the difference is, that Chapman is nowhere near the actor that Jack Gleason is. IMHO, obviously.


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