Game of Thrones S06xE09 Ramsay kills Rickon

Ramsay makes a trap for Jon who tried to save his brother, instead Rickon got killed and Jon barely managed to save his own life.



  1. What an idiot he didn't even deserve to be a stark he deserved to be an umber or a karstark that no one actually cares about. Good job Ramsay Bolton you took care of one stupid boy on the show

  2. Lol anyone who keeps saying him running in zig zags would help doesn’t understand that as big of a piece of shit Ramsay was, the dude had skills with a bow. He would’ve killed him either way..look at what he did when he saved Theon before we knew he was tricking him


    Imagine if Ramsey lived and he teamed up with Cersei, but when Dany comes he goes off with Jaime and when Dany swarms Jaime and his army in s7 and Ramsey thinks he can take on the Dothraki, but then Dany and Drogon show up and he just totally becomes fearful. And it's new to him because he thinks he's all that. but then this unknown surge of fear comes into him and he rethinks his life decisions. And then when he decides to try and take Dany on, Drogon just completely burns him alive cause Ramsey tried to kill his mother. I would love that.

  4. Интереснее бы было, если Рикон таки добежал, и лучники Болтона накрыли их обоих. Вот это да, интересная была бы развязка

  5. I seriously hate how rickon was forgotten essentially. Arya or anyone didn't mention him at least once. I understand he barely had any development but he was a stark at the end of the day. He was still their brother

  6. Poor Rickon he has had it the worst because he didn't even get to have that much family time or enough time with his mom or dad he has been all alone wandering around the 7 kingdoms and yes I think OSHA truly cared for him and Bran and did her best to protect them but she was a outsider a wilding that was discriminated by all this is fuck up

  7. Ramsey was fucking OP. I don't understand how this cunt was a master at everything. The writers could have given him Styr's long-ass battle axe (which is twice the size of Ramsey, or at least the actor) and he'd be swinging that shit around just as good. His skills were more annoying/unbelievable than making him terrifying within the show's context.

  8. This Ramsey Cunt Bastard Bitch kills his Poor mother (Walda Frey) and brother, osha and then Rickon and tons of others in battle including the giant…I enjoyed watching his slow (not slow enough) painful death…Melisandre should bring him back to life just to have him killed again…that would be pleasant…the Starks send their regard Ramsey you psychotic bitch loser! Did I mention cunt ass? Also I wish Rickon just hid behind one of the poor burning men…maybe he would've survived


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