Tom and Sam take a look at this hand-management, simultaneous action selection game with a pirate theme from Thundergryph Games!!

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  1. The coin on the die is not taken from the supply, it is taken from all the players you attack from that sector. And if you have 5 coins at the end of a round you must pay to become a normal ship if you are a ghost ships. And why is it wonky to activate one treasure map to let other people move. You can steal other treasure maps and stop them from advancing when you are advancing and you can activate a treasure map that a person closest to the treasure doesnt have. They are also worth points. You could have gone over in a clear and fast fashion the way you get points. I am missing a big chunk of the game. You also dont decide to become a ghost ship, like Tom said. If you sink another ship your reputation goes up so thats an incentive to attack other players. Reputation is worth points. It gives more ways to score points then Jamaica.

  2. I had wondered if this one was a little too middling after seeing the Kickstarter. Really thought about backing it, as the components and theme looked great, but I could tell it would be a lot of money for a game that would get played like once and then never really thought about again.

  3. Thanks for the thorough playthrough and final thoughts! Only two points of clarity: 1. You perform the Exploit action only after the treasure has been dug up (the last phase of the game). Until then, you don't have the option to Exploit – only Advance. 2. When you roll the doubloon icon on the attack die, you actually steal a doubloon from the player you attacked. Otherwise, I'm thrilled you mentioned almost every rule in the game! Yarr!!

  4. Tom and Sam, thanks for the great review! Very interesting back and forth between what your thought about each aspect of the game. I'm sure you will love what we are doing with the Leviathan Clash expansion which adds a different ending than the captain cards, with a battle with the leviathan itself!


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