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  1. Here's my new Star Wars The Last Jedi Trailer video and New Characters. Let me know what you think of all the new characters they've revealed so far. There are only 3 really big new main characters, but 100s of new creatures and aliens. New DC/Marvel posting next 🙂

  2. I hope you read this, Emergency Awesome, because I just had a revelation I think you'll want to read… what if Rey's identity was right in our face the whole time, but we never saw it? Once upon a trailer for some game, Kylo called Rey "cousin," before that video was pulled from the internet. If Rey is Kylo's cousin, she's obviously Luke's daughter, right? Unless…
    What if she's a cousin on the other side? Not a Skywalker, not a Palpatine… What if Rey is her uncle's niece? What if Rey is a Solo? Han's sibling's daughter?
    Forget the Lightsaber, that's an intentional red-herring; she has Han's Blaster. She has the Millennium Falcon. She has Chewie as a co-pilot. She holds Han's legacy… against Kylo.
    Han never believed in the Force, but he always had the best of "luck." Almost as if the Force worked through him without him knowing it, like Kenobi said. Then Rey seems to have mastery over the Force, seemingly without training, as if The Force Awakened, through her. Rey and Han are both pawns, working with "luck" without knowing it. But… Rey is about to learn where this luck comes from, in Episode 8.
    I mean… she's a scavenger, not unlike Han the smuggler, doing what needs done to survive, both with an almost unbelieveble amount of "luck"… and now she has Han's blaster, his ship, and his co-pilot… I think you see where I'm going. The upcomming Han movie (Han & Chewie) is just foreshadowing Episode 9 (Rey & Chewie)… Which may also explain all of the conflicts over the Han script… Anyway…
    A brief summary of Episode 8:
    Rey, "Train me!" Luke, "HELL NO!" Rey, "Train me!!" Kylo, "Hell yeah! Meet my master, Snoke"… Snoke, "Obey me!" Rey, "HELL NO!!!" A cliff-hanger goes here.
    I think that, after everything goes to hell in Episode 8 (with the fall of civilization and all that), Rey is about to go full Solo in Episode 9, in a way that Han never did. Luck? That's for gamblers. Rey makes her own luck, for she is the Force, Awakened. How's that for a Grey Jedi?
    Maybe she is the juggernaut that ends Episode 9? Maybe that juggernaut causes Episode 10? Maybe balance takes time. A very long time, back and forth, towards Episode 12. After all, Disney will never be done with this franchise.

  3. Luke continues to come off as a total punk. He's all worried about Rey's power comparing to Kylo. What, Master Luke, would have happened if Yoda and Obi Wan, whose experience with a failed apprentice beats yours with a hammer, had the same attitude? Obi Wan would have left your ass on Tattoonie to rot or Yoda would have left you to eat worms on Dagobah. So suck it up buttercup.

  4. Spoil away! It won't deter me from going to see it probably a week after release when the crowds die down and I can get a ticket lol I can't wait especially after seeing that TV spot where Rey force grabs Kylo's light saber in the throne room… AWESOME! I wish they would release it early… anyway..feed me, I will eat up all Star wars you post lol Tickets please?? 🙂


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