How Littlefinger Controls The Game of Thrones

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Littlefinger Is probably the single best player in the Game of Thrones. He’s indirectly led to the downfall of at least 3 major houses and has advanced his station at every opportunity. In this video we’re going to do an analysis on what it is that he does that makes him win and how deviating from his strategy may lead him to the end of his winning streak.

2 caveats. First spoilers through season 6 and some speculation into season 7. And two, don’t do the things little finger does. It’s fun to analyze Littlefinger manipulations and learn how you can avoid them in your own life – Sansa Stark would benefit for certain – just don’t be a liar and backstabber. It’s not cool.

Let’s begin – Game of Thrones is all about power. Some people, like Cersei, use their position to command others. Or people like the Mountain who literally just dominate through brute force.

But in the long run, it’s those who wield power more subtly who excel at the game. And perhaps no one is more subtle the Petyr Baelish. He is the ultimate power player in the game because he gets other people to do what he wants, without them even knowing he’s influenced them

01:10 Littlefinger got the power subtly and not by force in Game of Thrones
07:53 Cersei Lannister is opposite of Petyr Baelish in terms of subtlety
08:14 Petyr Baelish in HBO Game of Thrones lets other think they control him
09:46 Marriage scene with Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister
13:15 Littlefinger talks to Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark

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  1. Little finger specialises in politics, but in later seasons, the game of thrones has become more about war and not politics (S7 Spoiler)

    In season seven, he has lost most of his control, and he knows it, so that’s why he holds onto Sansa, but he couldn’t hold on any longer, which led to his final demise

  2. Game of Thrones ruined Littlefinger . They had him make dumb decisions like marrying Sansa to Ramsey and he stayed in Winterfell leading up to his death . We all know he is a clever man so why would he stay in Winterfell especially since he knows Bran is the three eyed raven. He is literally the reason why the Starks and Lannisters are at war with each other so he would know that it’s not a smart move to stay in Winterfell . Also since he is the reason for everything happening in the first place doesn’t it make since for him to die in a much bigger way ? Awful writing from the Game of Thrones writing .

  3. Lol his demise at the end of Season 7 was well deserved. Sansa was slow but she figured him out soon enough. He went too far when he tried to get her to kill Aria. The issue was he never expected Aria to be alive and Bran was well. When they showed up he realized there were too many Starks alive to control so he came up with a plan to have them tear each other apart. He even gave Bran a knife secretly to make him think he would have to defend himself in the future. I never felt so pleased to see a throat slit open and I’m glad it was Aria who did it. Payment for his delivery of Ned to the Lannisters.

  4. I like your videos very much. Looking forward for Cersei`s one! She could`t become the queen of Westeros after such a defiling she did without anything, you know.
    (I suppose the Big Bang at Baelor`s Sept and the episode with Littlefinger and "power is power" is an example of a quote "Don`t tell you are going to do something bad – just do it"; maybe it works in Cersei`s case?).

  5. I am not lying but sometimes I do what he does( but not in a bad way i just let people do what i want if it's a good thing) even before watching the show and I didn't realize that I do things that way only after watching this video.


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