Critics’ reactions to the Wight Hunt & Frozen Lake battle in Game of Thrones Season 7, episode 7.6, “Beyond the Wall”, and episode director’ Alan Taylor’s response. * Intro ends at 17:00 *



  1. What Nikolai said surprised me because of the moment in which he said it. I feel like once the show’s over the cast will begin to talk more and more about D&D and we’ll see the reality cos they’re obviously obligated to kiss their asses right now.

  2. Excellent video again! It is great that people actually decided to call them out finally on the crazy things that happened in S7. It is sad when a fantasy show plays the "it's a fantasy show" to explain why things happened in a certain way. By that logic, Ned Stark should have been saved (surely by a super-fast raven that takes the blow of the sword 😒).

  3. 49:45 "Why didn't Daenerys fly to Highgarden to save the Tyrells?"

    Better question: why didn't Dany go with Granny Olenna TO Highgarden? Fortifying it with the Unsullied and the Dothraki would mean that the largest source of food and gold would be in Targaryen hands, kept safe from the Lannisters by the dragons, the Unsullied, and the Dothraki hordes. It's the perfect mainland base to launch a campaign to take over Westeros, with all the food to sustain a large army, not to mention all the gold to hire extra mercenaries to bolster the main Targaryen forces. We have this part of the continent under control of friendly forces, and they have a strong castle, the largest supply of food on the continent, and a huge reserve of gold-the only one left in the kingdoms. Why make your main base some island at the ass end of the kingdom when you had Highgarden and the Reach on your side in the first place!?

    It's like whomever wrote this show HAS NO GRASP OF MILITARY STRATEGY WHATSOEVER! Their designated heroine has no grasp of even basic military tactics or strategy, and neither do her councilors. They're literally a bunch of idiots who can't even think straight. And that's even before they came up with the buffoonery that was the Wight Hunt.

    Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

  4. Ah, it's so nice to see the whole thing unravel. It's so funny to see their bad writing explode in their faces. Even the TV show fans and critics who worshiped them turned against them for this bad writing that we've noted has been plaguing the show ever since Season 5.

  5. Nikolaj is dane; that is their way of saying things, by telling the truth so bluntly, that you think they might be joking.
    Nikolaj and Liam tend to give the best, most revealing
    interviews, for different reasons: Nikolaj has a way of being candid, while Liam is very enthusiastic about the show and his work and I have the impression that he wants to give us pointers on what is to come.
    Kit and Sophie, on the other hand…they say what DnD tell them to. I do not blame them, of course, but I take everything they say with a grain of salt.

  6. There's no hope for Game of thrones, no matter what. only six episodes are left and what little quality was left after season 5 was buchered by season 6 and the absolute joke that was season 7.
    All that's left…is justice. And by the Gods,we will see HBO's dogs get theirs.

  7. I'm usually a little critical of your videos so I'll point out what I think works ten times better than the ranting (only my subjective opinion though): the silence after the Highgarden argument was really good. It leaves you pondering the thing between yourself and yourself, which I think works much better for trying to convince someone (you want to reach a conclusion by yourself instead of it being forced upon you). Just my two cents but I felt that moment was nice 😉

  8. tl/dr: blame GRRM. I'll agree S5-7 were disasters, painful at times (minus surprise Hodor reveal and Sept Blow). But I don't think we'll ever see TWOW published, and I'm guessing GRRM spilled varying ideas to D&D starting in S4 (while they were writing S5) and D&D were left dumbstruck. What if they can't be honest now because they've got to pull off "the ancient lore is the future because Bran is R'hllor" without cluing in the viewers. Right now, I'm guessing Daenerys' ironic destiny as Queen will be when she gets Othered in S8, and Jon will hunt her down and declare himself "the Night's King". The Last Hero is already Bran (sought CotF and everyone died except Meera), and I have a feeling Prince Who Is Promised is the current "NK": the Prince born to Jon and Daenerys in another timeline who, like Bran, is a greenseer that gets reanimated every time Bran fell and had 3EC open his third eye. So the three heads of the dragon (there must be three, etc) would be Night's King Jon/Corpse Queen Dany/Prince "NK" — all Targs with the right titles. Just not the way we expected.

    Producers WOULD have a hard time "hiding" the finale season after Hold the Door (we're in full Fantasy land now). Got to admit that D&D have done a good job of making people forget that Jon is a rezzed zombie, and in making Bran/R'hllor look like just a creepy stalker boy. There's a possibility that "chains of causation" might work backwards in a time travel Fantasy-genre story. (Bran may have warged Drogon to get Dany to secret location).

  9. Some random thoughts….

    OK, re eternal twilight. Even if we accept that and say "it could have been days" what sinks it is the fact that they would freeze in that time. they lit no fire so they are cold and have no hot food so they are hungry. I.e. in shitty condition to fight when they have to. So that shows more to "one day and one night" time frame

    The funny (well, actualy sad) thing is that what Taylor said you can see quoted by fanboys on SM. Same "Oh, it's fantasy, it doesn't work like real world", "stop nitpicking" or "it's just a TV show, don't take it too seriously". And that's people who would earlier say GoT is best thing since sliced bread.

    And what I find very ironic about whole timeline is S6 finale was mocked for it. Remember the scene where Varys is on a boat next to Dany? And everybody was "how did he get to Mereen that fast?" Of course the answer was simple, Dany picked him at Dorne and they are very close to King's Landing. In fact you could see Dornish ships, proving all that. And IMO that was well done, scene needed you to pay attention to understand. But now same people just accept that Wigh hunt timeline doens't make sense? Or tell you to just accept that ravens can fly really fast and so do dragons. There was even an article that explained it where if you fudge things a bit (like Suicide Squad doubling back) and everything falls just right it's juuuuust about possible. But as I've said earlier, this shouldn't be up to viewers to make sense and explain, it should be up to viewers to puzzle out from clues left by writers.

    Overall for past couple of seasons I think big priority is making bad-ass scenes that are then quoted over SM. related to what author talks about writing scenes for facial expressions, it's making scene for witty or bad ass one liner "Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me." Dickon joke, clearly dick has same maning in Westeros as it does here (see Bronn smirking) so why name your son and heir like that? "I want my castle" running gag. It's not even "making awesome scene even better by tossing in witty one liner" it's "we want to use this line so let's craft a scene where it makes biggest impact".

    Anybody noticed how nobody, and i mean nobody, mentions Rickon dying at hands of Ramsey? There were these big emotional scenes where Starks are reunited but Rickon is never mentioned. OK, Sansa and Jon saw him die but you'd think Arya would ask about him. Nope, he's water under the bridge.

    Related, nobody mentions that Freys got wiped out. OK, there are couple of Lannsiter soldiers who say something along the lines of "there are some troubles with Freys so we were sent here to keep the peace." Let's not question what Lannisters are doing that far north…. I think Jamie mentions it in passing, not sure. But none of the Starks mentions the fact that family responsible for murdering their mother and brother are gone. Or any of the nobles mentioning what a power vacuum in the region that created.

    I'd also mention how entire Littlefinger's "trial" was mishandled. Not what you already talked about in that video but how the only way it worked was by LF eating a big bowl of stupid and asking for seconds. I feel there is another video there, so…..

    and don't get me started on Olenna. Supposed bad ass and strong woman which, when you think about it for a second, was total failure that ruined her house through sheer incompetence.

    I'm sure I'll think of some more and I'll add them later

  10. Its almost as if two hacks without a single brain-cell between the two of them are incapable of writing, which then results in amateurish writing and are shocked, surprised and scared when critics and fans call them out on their amateur writering, when they've put themselves on the forefront as the head writers because, its "their product" I'm not looking forward to season 8, not one bit

  11. @0:16:00 The Lili Loufbourrow quote applies just as well to everything since Yara at the Dreadfort, Bran at Craster's in S4, Tyrion and Jaime talking about the bug-crusher instead of Tysha, et al. As relieved as I am that these critics are finally getting it, it just makes me mad all over again about how they glossed over everything back when the show was still salvageable. If they'd really called out the flaws in S4, many of the debacles of S5 might have been averted – they might have been shamed into creating a "writers' room" environment. By excusing the early plot and character malpractice, they gave these idiots permission to continue their drunken butchery of this great story.

  12. Nice to see that the broader public is finally starting to see how nonsensical the writing of GoT has become. Is it too much to hope that they'll ever figure out how badly Trump and Ryan are screwing them?

  13. Once again you are correct. I just got word that during episode 7×7 commentary Kit thought Jon and Dany fell in love in the Dragonpit scene. Benioff had to correct him it was the cave scene. Lol, their writing is so bad even the actors who have the actual scripts right in front of them have no clue what the hell is going on. Thankfully, D&D incompetence is coming to light too bad it took this long to notice.

  14. 1:12:57. I'm starting to think I need some LOST videos like these GoT ones. I've recently finished Lost and I need some answers. Sure I am not the only one😁 I really feel that some storylines were abandoned. It seemed finished but not quite.

  15. I'm really sorry for saying that, but the reason Dany flew to save Jon and not Tyrells is that she suddenly had the urge to get laid. Of course it's a joke😀. To comment 55:31, I think D&D will explain it as some magical connection between Jon and Dany. BTW, she attacked the caravans, too. May be she had a not-involving-dragons policy before that. Tyrion warned her about mindlessly using dragons, as I remember.
    I am not trying to defend anything (or aren't I 😁), but they might be able to explain that with such excuses.

  16. 46:40 – May I point out that a very similar, but still different phrasing is often used to distinguish Fantasy from Sci-Fi? According to a very popular idea, the distinction is that Science-Fiction deals with "Implausible Possibilities" (e.g. warping time and space to achieve FTL without actually moving the ship faster than light relative to its immediate spatial environment is implausible due to the ridiculous amount of energy this would require, but it might not be strictly speaking impossible) while Fantasy deals with "Plausible Impossibilities" (magic is impossible, it violates the Laws of Thermodynamics, otherwise it wouldn't be magic – but it's made plausible by the Magic A = Magic A principle).

  17. The wight hunt was simply a plot device for the night king to get a dragon and bring down the wall. Same with highgarden to expose the lanister army so that Dany could finally use her dragons and so Cercie could get gold to pay off the iron bank. Otherwise it makes no logical sense.The producers have abandoned the story to give us visual eye candy thinking we dont want dialog or politics anymore, we want visual gratification of stunning CGI and cool things like zombie polar bears.

  18. I agree with most of your point, though I think Confederate might still happen or at the very least they are doing somethig else post game of thrones because the massive suces of this bascally gives them a ticket for one free tv show

  19. In answer to your questions:
    1. The Wight Hunt subplot was like the plot of a badly written fanfiction – and believe me I've read some real stinkers in my time.
    2. I think it happened because D&D just want to move on to their new project and not give a shit about ending the story properly.

  20. Question: Did Varys forget about the secret passages in the Red Keep? Daenerys could take the throne in like a night, if Varys leads a small force through the passages and take Cersei while she sleeps.


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