Viewer Mail: Why the Wight Hunt Happened in Game of Thrones Season 7, with Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, the White Walkers, wight horde of zombies, and dragons beyond the Wall. Final part in a multi-video series (see playlist).



  1. and little finger was killed to quick with no build up to it after proping that character up so much ?
    it makes no sense .
    and Micheal Flynn plead guilty for lying to FBI not colluding with Russians . he lied about what he talked with the Russian ambassador about .

  2. I loved the Rob stark guy , his death was epic but non sensicle . they could have done so much with that . and greyjoys losing of his parts is a big waist to its like so much could have been bone with that time

  3. the books are acually good ! the show leaves out everything that's interesting! and Brans warging is for real taking up alot of show and it's gonna end like right when somthing good is happening with the plot.

  4. I'm getting tired of them leaving all the story out ! then they show us some seen we think it has to do with the book but it all about nothing , like Dany and John WTF ? if anything john is fire and ice , or sansa could be ice because she is a stark from the north and John is fire because he is targaryion ? that makes since it's like lyanna and Aegon thing ! the greyjoy dude should of been killed of already , it's dumb keeping him in .

  5. I thought Michelle Fairley did a pretty good job of portraying Catelyn. She looked strong to me. Even scary at times. The fact that she was crying didn't make the character seem week, at least to me. It was just a reaction towards all of the tragedy surrounding her.

  6. Great video like always but just to clarify, Flynn didn't plead guilty to speaking with Russians. He plead guilty to lying to the FBI concerning money he received from the Turkish government. Didn't have anything to do with Russia.

  7. well…..golden globe nominees are out, and got has but 1 nomination, for best tv drama, same nomination they get every year.  no acting nods, no writing nods, no nod for best dragon……

  8. Given Season 7's sandsnakes poison scene – there is no doubt about it, you're 100% right about them just emmy baiting and only interested in "showing off" emotion – that single scene proved you right.

  9. I'm not a book reader and the lack of source material was obvious to me in season 6 and even more so in season 7. Even my girlfriend, a casual viewer, found the Wight Hunt the most stupid thing in all of GoT.

    I just discovered this chanel a few days ago and the more I think about your arguments, the stronger they become. You are not alone in this!

    The turning point about the perception of the producers for me was after I watched the Making of The Frozen Lake, especially the part about the zombie bear at .

    My thoughts were: They care more about having a zombie bear and cool special effects, than good writing, good dialogues and proper character development.

    I realized that the producers want to cover up their lack of skills with matrix-style one liners and bombastic visuals. The problem with that is, it's not what made the show great in the first place. A shame.

    I sincerely hope, that some additional writers are now in the production team, to make shure that the last season is not ending in a complete mess.

  10. Somebody needs to sit down D&D and explain to them that If GRRM is known as the American Tolkien, this is because of Martin's ability as a High Fantasy writer to worldbuild incredibly well, rivaling Tolkien's worldbuilding, and NOT because Martin wrote an American reiteration of The Lord of the Rings. I really, honest to god, believe D&D don't make this distinction

  11. The Keystone Army thing is absolute bullshit in the books. No way George would use a trope that lazy and pathetic. There is the Heart Of Winter, of course, but we don't even know what the hell that is, and I doubt there's any moment where they all just die instantly all over Westeros. Especially not after killing a single White Walker. Oh. And thanks for the name drop, first time that's happened to me in a video.

  12. When you talk about acting vs emoting all I could think about is The Force Awakens where Han dies. We know nothing about his conflict with his son and JJ Abrams did not even tell the actors because he was afraid they would leak the story (he cared more about the shock of the scene rather than the emotional impact) so Harrison Ford and Adam Driver emoted the hell out of that scene but because there was no context it failed

  13. I never get any ads on your videos. I specifically whitelisted your channel so that I could support you. Do you not turn them on? I hope you will because I will be able to sit through an ad in exchange for your excellent videos.

  14. Dragon you should rewatch S6 ep4 Book of the Stranger, it's absolutely atrocious, easily my least favorite episode. It's just so goofy, it requires multiple viewing just to really hammer home how dumb it is! It feels like a parody of ASOIAF.

  15. Just want to say thank you for these videos. I have decided to save reading the books until they all come out (haha) so that I can view it as a slightly separate universe from the show. Watching youtube videos to get further information about the characters, within-book books, lore etc. has been a great way to get more information but there's a lot of "just read the books yourself!!" being screamed at me. Thanks for not doing that.

    Your videos are greatly appreciated because I started to notice a strong decline in dialogue and increase in plot holes after season 4 but couldn't put my finger on what was wrong. To see you reference proof of what I suspected – that D&D are fanbois/fuckbois who are being saved by other professionals – helps a lot. I once worked on a professional production of a Dickens play. The director hadn't read the book, hadn't thought about any character development and hadn't even considered sets, costumes or blocking. The play was saved by the fact that everybody else on set were absolute pros and had to take everything on themselves. Coming from that background, I appreciate that you aren't blaming the actors or crew for the problems. I had a feeling that this was happening with GoT but couldn't really prove why because obviously actors and crew don't want to risk their income or break NDAs.
    "Luckily" D&D are arrogant enough to admit that they care more about writing for special effects and emmy-baiting moments than the dialogue and complicated storyline that we all started watching for. s07e06 just proved this. you've probably seen their interview where they were proud of arguing with the other crew memebers who said that they don't want or need a wight polar bear.
    They also don't seem to have a clue about what will win an award, because people like Lena, Dinklage, NCW, Cunningham, had the material in early seasons but weren't nominated in the right category. They haven't given Kit and Emilia the script or directing that they need to win an Emmy/Golden Globe this/next year. Also, how do you screw up Dorne when you have Indira and Keisha Castle-Hughes on set? If they can't save it, nobody can.

    I just watched the S07e07 commentary. Lena and Kit hadn't seen the episode so couldn't say much about what was happening and D&D just sat there in silence or talked about the cast playing games instead of telling us about how the scenes were written, shot or created. They really don't seem to have a clue about why most of us started watching the show. I'm worried that this will be Lost or Dexter all over again. At least we know that the actors and crew will do their best for us.

    Would love to see you interview NCW (and even Pedro Pascal) after the show is over!! I suspect that being made to look like a rapist when he has daughters and is an ambassador against the mistreatment of women may have been the last straw for him. Anyway, once again, thanks for these videos. I look forward to meeting Arianne Martell, Lady Stoneheart and other important characters when I read the books.

  16. Another problem with those no-dialogue scenes is that D&D are trying to use their con-man tricks on the audience. If the actors make a face and the explanation for vague/out of character actions is never given, the creators get to rely on viewer interpretations to make up the story they like. This would also explain why none of the actors, directors, or writers can/will explain what they intended for such scenes. Unfortunately, fan theories are only fun when there is enough underlying substance to suggest whether they are true or not. Instead, it's like they are setting up a joke and changing the subject before the punchline in order to trick you into thinking that they are funny.

  17. "If Game Of Thrones were a cake recipe created by George R. R. Martin in a world ravaged by hunger" Parody by me

    D&D read the recipe tha contained eggs, flour, sugar, butter, chocolate and baking powder.

    They disliked the original recipe and believed they could make it better, because even though they weren't professional chefs, they were food fans, and to them that's basically the same thing.

    So they chose to use the eggs and flour as in the recipe, but add new ingredients like salt and milk, and cut off the sugar, chocolate, butter and baking powder, because they thought those didn't emote in the recipe well enough.

    The end result: A flat pancake.

    The people's reaction:
    -The ones who only knew the D&D recipe: "Wow, this is delicious, i've never had anything so good".
    -The ones who knew the original recipe: "Wait a minute, this was supposed to be a cake, not a pancake".

    Moral: D&D made a pancake in a world were food was scarce, millions loved because they were hungry, this made D&D full of themselves and content with their mediocre work. The only unsatisfied ones, were those who read the original recipe and knew which could have been so much better. The people who didn't, are not really to blame, they got the best they could expect for.

  18. There was a comment saying sth like "not every actor is Ryan Gosling", and he or she is right. That's when you make good use of the camera and with some clever shots you achieve the emotions you want to provoke in the spectator.

  19. probably one of the best GOT youtubers out there… So analytical and so much knowledge.. From a fellow above average fan I have to say that i really appreciate your work. There are tooo many fanboy youtubers who are unable of doing a constructive critical review…

  20. You're right about them being actor fanboys.. Writer Bryan Cogman is a failed actor. In an interview he made a joke about looking for acting work, but deep down he wasn't joking. Writing is only a means to find more acting work for him..


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