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Here's my new Star Wars The Last Jedi video for all the new Jedi Abilities and Force Lore changes that they made. Please use spoiler tags in the comments, but let me know which new abilities were your favorite! New Titans Season 1 posting next. Star Wars Easter Eggs posting this weekend!
makes sense then force ghost can physically act because how else would they become more powerful
What do you think about Rey in this movie? Who will she become in episode IX?
Thank you for using the Sebastian Shaw force ghost screencap vs the Hayden Christiansen one!
So did anyone notice the books of the jedi/(whiles) in the drawer in the millennium Falcon at the end of the movie when fin takes the blanket out to cover rose???
Any theories about what Rey and Kylo's relationship will be like in ep. 9? They have this whole yin yang thing going on and I'm wondering if it's leading to a romance or if it's going to be like a Harry-Voldemort thing where one cannot live while the other survives. Really intrigued by these two!
I'd love for you to make a video about the characters who died in Last Jedi! I feel like alot of the deaths were too sudden or not conclusive. Thanks!!
Charlie did u notice that Kylo foreshadowed the force spirit ability that Luke uses when he and Rey first connected their minds through the force?
TFA & TLJ are recycled & resold EU for posers and noobs.
My favorite scene was the Leia levitation threw space! I found this more epic than the lightsaber duel tbh.
Finally she gets to use the force in the movies!! (:
– i don't think they know where they are taking the SW universe
MOVIE SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!
Seeing this today
I really do want Kylo to be a main character just as much as Rey, and I love seeing them working together. I definitely want them to come together and be founders of a new order. I can definitely see how this movie was focusing on the balance between light and dark too, but how do we think Rey and Kylo will come to be on talking terms again? I mean, what will it take for them to listen and understand each other's views again? Since at the end of the movie, Kylo was still trying to kill her (or at least he wanted to make it look that way in front of The First Order).
may the force be with you my friend👍👍👍👍👍
and ???? who cares?? they killed luke
These videos are great. No idea how he keeps on top of all the different franchises.. Cuz its not like he half-asses some of them, all so in depth and well researched
Why didn't Rey and Kylo use the force to beat Snoke's guards? Was there an explanation and I just missed it?
Star Wars going full Sense8 right there.
I felt like I list my best friend when Luke died.
Mark Hamill is such a sly dog. Not only did Joker disguise himself by having Clayface play him. There's sort of an early easter egg in Arkham CIty during your battle with Joker. If you turn on Detective Mode during that fight, you would see Joker wouldn't have a skeletal system. In the same spirit (no pun intended), if you look and see Luke doesn't leave a set of footprints on the ground (also, he was holding a lightsaber that was previously destroyed and he looked significantly younger). Joker and Luke are such con artists.
TLJ is garbage and shits all over every movie that precedes it 0_O
This might be too early to ask but when will The Last Jedi come on blu-ray?
this movie was the worst movie i ever saw
Nothing presented in this film is entirely new really. In some capacity or another, the ideas in The Last Jedi have been touched on from previous installments, books, and the Legends series. Lots of people are angry because it's not congruent with what they believe Star Wars was and it's hard for them to accept any change.
Force skype calls were pretty cool. But I'm not so sure they are going to work without Snoke being around…
Hey Charlie have you done a video on what you think they are going do about Carrie Fisher in Episode 9 ?
"This isn't going to end the way you think." No truer words have been spoken.