Game of thrones New Season 8 Script Pages Leaked MAJOR SPOILERS!
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  1. Here is more of the info…off of Reddit…said it came from a reliable source who was drunk and talkative.-Cersei does miscarriage. -Dany doesnt.-Jon does ride a dragon (apparently he rides all 3 of them) lol its what he said, he had to clarify that he meant Drogon, Rhaegal and Dany.-Jon does slay the Night King and there is supposed to be this gigantic shockwave that covers all of Westeros – taking all the dead with it.-Kings Landing is nearly destroyed by Wildfire AND BLUE dragon fire.-There is a BIG chase scene in Kings Landing involving Jon, Dany, Arya and Tyrion.-Jamie kills Cersei.-The Mountain kills Jamie.-The Hound and Brienne kill The Mountain-The final battle with the Night King (the 1 on 1 with him and Jon) takes place AFTER Kings Landing while Dany is giving birth.-All 6 episodes take place over the course of about a year. There is no time jump that he mentioned.


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