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Most onscreen versions of Superman and Batman have looked a lot like they do in the original DC Comics, but not all superheroes are created equal. Some of the most iconic superheroes have received major makeovers when they jumped off the printed page. Here’s how DC superheroes should really look…

Superman | 0:17
Batman | 1:17
Wonder Woman | 2:04
Aquaman | 2:39
Green Arrow | 3:11
The Flash | 3:39
Kid Flash | 4:47
The Atom | 5:25
Martian Manhunter | 5:58
Supergirl | 6:42

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  1. I fucking hate how "Politically correct" everything has to be now. If a white character is turned black no body complains and if they do they get bombarded with "YOU RACIST" comments but if a black character were to be played by a white person people would flip their shit.

  2. Conductor we have a problem:
    Aquaman is blond
    Barry Allen is blond
    Kid Flash is white
    The lefties will call this racist all in the name of diversity but sorry to burst ur bubble but thats just how the characters are supposed to and have always looked.

  3. I think, dc's hero arent look too different from comic. Compare to mv, mv's hero look like another guy, they are really different from the comic. But anyway, both of dc's and mv's heros are good looking now and i like them, hehe.

  4. Well i am a big fan of WonderWoman too and even though her powers were given to her,it would be more convincing if she had atleast a little muscle too. Let's be honest if all gods have muscles even though they were born with it,why can't a goddess or in this case wonderwoman look atleast a little like her comic book figure.i found this actress (gall gadiot) better in her action movies,but if she wants the convincing look,she should train more. Even i have a better look for WonderWoman

  5. I like all of the new costume changes. BUT. I have a big problem with them casting a super model as Wonder Woman. There's nothing wrong with Gal Gadot. But she's the wrong body type for the role. From my experience with the comics and cartoons, I think FBB model Michelle Lewin, specifically her body type, fits the bill far better.

  6. I can tell you in two words why new DC super hero movies SUCK……….Gal Gadot!

    I am beyond confused why SOOOOOO many people think that the Wonder Woman movie was "good", when it was a piece of shit! I mean really, the standards and tastes have been obliterated for correctly done movies in this country!

    Not only did the writers, director, AND cast admit they did NOT do ANY RESEARCH on the story or the characters, WB/DC really, REALLY fucked things up by bastardizing and obliterating what and who Diana Prince and Wonder Woman TRULY are!

    The most WRONG people chosen for the cast, the WW story raped and ripped to shreds, and a wonderful character made into yet another murderous monstrosity!

    And it would hold over into the Justice League series that you can't mix good casting with abominably BAD casting and have it work.

    Aside from Wonder Woman being corrupted by the talentless Gal Gadot, who couldn't even be bothered to research the character, Henry Cavil is supremely boring and dull as Superman. All of the other casting choices are pretty much perfect, except for the fact that the Batman outfits they have for Affleck don't go with his persona of the Batman, which makes it hard to watch.

    That Cyborg outfit is just too freeking funny. It looks like they took leftovers from RoboCop and glued them onto a spandex suit, like the did in a lot of movies in the 80's.

    DC/WB have totally fucked up………..AGAIN.

    And as I've said a million times before……….THIS is why Marvel is kicking DC's ass all over…….MARVEL knows how to pick the RIGHT people for the RIGHT characters. MARVEL LISTENS to their fans, DC DOES NOT! MARVEL hires some really good writers, whereas DC seems to hire 10 year olds for their story lines.

    Don't waste your money or your time, unless you like watching horrifically expensive failures.

  7. I rather the TV show version of Flash the old one and the new one I don't like the flashes in the movie. I don't like the Supergirl TV show at all nothing about it

  8. Can we all address the fact that Gal Gadot looks nothing like the wonder woman in the comics and the animated series….
    Ugly ass brown Israeli whore doesn't even have the signature blue eyes that the character is supposed to have.


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