This is Part 2 of my Cures of Osiris Review part 1 is here:
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  1. I’m always impressed by how passionately you talk in your videos about a game you clearly love, as do I. And you always pretty much hit the nail on the head. Yet I would love to see a positive video full of ideas about what mechanics and weapons systems they could take away and use. You really should work for Bungie as I feel people like yourself would be a great asset to their company and I agree with you, they are either running out of ideas or are under an unseen pressure, could be time could be budget, or both or maybe more. There must be a way to help them out with ideas to make our game better? It frickin’ needs something. Keep up the good work man. Let’s hope they listen to you.

  2. Hey Joker What do you think of the elemental damage types In this game Solar,Ark,Void etc being more then a color matching game to break shields? Like just look at borderlands for examples in destiny they could just have Arc as a stun effect, Solar as a burning proc similar to how the solar subclasses can do it and Void being able to debuff enemy's similar to how slag does it in Borderlands. Now I know that this game is not Borderlands but I think there is so much more creative ways to handle the elemental damage types In this game rather then it just being the same, just with different colors.

  3. They could use the mod system to bing snipers, shotguns, and fusions back into use, without breaking the Crucible. All they have to do is introduce a mod that would allow a weapon of one of those three types to be equipped in the energy slot – in PvE only. That would essentially allow players to choose between the D1 and D2 weapon systems.

  4. i refused to play the has the "new raid" cause i have already beat the "main raid" its sad, unfortunate, and down rite shity. the state of bungie has the awe to down rite refuse the player demand. they remove half the secondary weapon type and LITERALLY copy and paste them into the heavy slot. then using assets and the same exact goddamned gun models from the first fucking game! i mean no one seems to realize that d2 went through the same thing as d1! it took them 5+ years for d1! then another 3 for d2 nd this is how it launched? it took them 2 and a half years before destiny was even remotely good! and you would have to assume they took d1 stripped it down into its parts and glued them back together for d2! the community was happy with the outcome of d1? but one would assume that the corrections they made to d1 would have also be done to d2. by consumer demand. at least one would think… why change the basic weapon layout if they had not been keeping stats on player weapon usage from d1? why relocate snipers fusions and shotguns to the heavy slot and not keep in the "smart loot" being able to pick what you want from vender? why? it makes no since from a business perspective. unless you goal is to sell players the 60 slot machine and then charge them to pull the lever then charge them for the "reward" they HAVE earned?! where the hell are custom games? where the hell are the perk trees? they did this to obtain a newer more "additive" pay to play mentality driven consumer. three years for a feature in the original game!(custom games) the only reason i palyed CoO was cause i already bought the goddamned season pass bundle! and the only reason i bought that bundle is cause i thought we were getting d1-esk game model and major update for a much better game! fool me one shame on you, fool me twice…

  5. to be honest ive hated destiny since year 1 of the first one, I knew that it was gonna be the same thing over and over again and looking at destiny 2 I was SO right. but, I enjoy joker's content because atleast hes a destiny fan thats not afraid to call it out when its being garbo, and thats refreshing in this day and age, a fan that can point out the faults.

  6. You really are insufferable. Though there are clear issues with the DLC, the Raid Lair is Good. I know that word does not exist in your lexicon but it IS GOOD. I played it for the first time last night. I almost skipped it because of hypocrites like you who play the shit out of this game and the spends all of their time crapping all over it. Guess what? Last night, I got talked into doing the raid lair. I expected it to be terrible because of all the bad press this DLC has been getting. It was the most fun I've had with a bunch of strangers since Taken King. It was challenging. I loved the jumping puzzle. The cannon shot where you then have to get all of your team members to fly through the hoops to get the chest; AMAZING! If I had my doubts before, I confirmed last night, that you are a douche. Thanks.

  7. I feel that the Eater of Worlds raid lair is absolutely perfect for those that are completely new to raids in general, though honestly I'd still do the raid lair on all three of my characters as it is sadly the most stable from what I see (if you're wondering what the heck I'm talking about; it means that the raid lair is less likely to glitch out during parts of the raid).

  8. Here's the thing destiny 1 was created by 1 man and his team from the ground up then when Activision came on board they didn't like some of his ideas so he left but the new development team already had a base product to go off now fast forward to destiny 2 and you have Luke smith in charge who wanted to overhaul the whole game to his vision but I think bungie are now realizing his vision is absolutely stupid and are trying to fix things that's how I see it

  9. Just think the next DLC just adds Leviathan part 3 on the right hand side of the option select screen instead of a unique Rasputin Raid or Osiris Raid, imagine an over the top Kings fall raid but in the Vault of Glass style / skin warping between past and future to encounter different Vex bosses. And a unique Rasputin raid next that mixes Warmind and remnants of Siva. Tons could be done with the lore and Raid weapons but NO we get bland pointless content. Sorry but D2 is one step forwards an 5 steps back.

  10. Jesus Joker! That ending is genius.
    Good work there fella, now that is an example of great satire….
    Now I'm hoping you end your next video with the "wasat!" ending used at the end of every episode of SJ. Keep up the good work mate..

  11. Stop calling this a raid people, this is not a fucking raid, it’s an elaborate strike, “raid layers” are bungles sneaky way of saying “we’re too lazy and cheap to give you a real raid so we will give you zero content and a half built raid in the exact same place the leviathan raid took place and pass it off for an actual raid” because “that’s the point, it’s just a layer” “it makes sense for it to be smaller”…ffs smh

    Edit-think about how fast bungle would fix this pile of shit if every player, and I mean EVERY PLAYER literally stopped playing… for thought

  12. Once again… all that about raids is bleeding useless to all of us solo players. All we have is… 'revisit this n that' once again. I think Bungie should release two separate games.. one for the likes of you raid lovers n one for solo players with more adventures then maybe we'd all be happy. Jeez I'm seriously thinking of playing Lara Croft. Love yer range though Joker.

  13. Dude, how the hell do you only have 22k subs when a ton of other trash Destiny YTbers are nearing/peaking around 100k? Fuckin BS you deserve an extra 0, like legit man. Boggles my mind.

    Keep up the good work mate. I’m a D1 vet and stopped playing D2 when CoO hit. Still, you and Datto are the only dudes I have the bell notifications on for coz I love your rants and Datto’s Xur vids haha xD


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