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  1. We've seen people in game of thrones do some evil, twisted, fucked up shite and yet people still call Others the villains… where does that make sense? We haven't actually seen them do anything as evil as almost everyone else on the show

  2. Two theories that have decent evidence- rattleshirt is actually Arthur Dwayne and he didn't die at the tower of joy. The "training fight" with Jon is the main evidence(books only). The other was that Jon was Ashara Daynes and Ned's son.

  3. Can you do a video on Quaithe (show quaithe)?

    I feel she's going to have a crucial role to play considering Jorah's situation – but also how the hell did she know who Jorah was and how did she know he was disloyal?

  4. My favourite theory, because i really want it too be true is that mance raider is rheagar targaryan who basically fucked off for twenty years rallying the true northerners and playing his music and stuff. Yeah there is obviously more too it but indont think it holds water since its just wouldnt make that much sense but i want rheagar to be alive somehow even though he is too noble a character to live through all this mess and not do something about it

  5. Game of thrones won't have a happy ending or a sad ending. I think that Danerys would easily win the war against Cercei. However, she won't accept the propositions of the north. Thus, creating a situation of war between the north and south again. That's when the night king strikes. The wall would be taken out and the seven kingdoms would be forced to unite for the real war. Then Sam would discover a method of communicating with the White Walkers. The White Walkers could communicate. This can be proved by their organized and planned attack on the beginning of the seasons and at Hardhome. Then the night king tells his story. They created the wall for the separation of the children and the first men but some of the first men refused. So, a full fledged war broke out between them. The white walkers and the children were defeated. However, the children abandoned the white walkers. So, they want revenge, but revenge against the three eyed raven who told the children to abandon them. Jon refuses to hand over Bran, then Bran asks to have a one on one combat with the night king. They have a battle in one of Bran's visions. The night king gets defeated by Bran and the magic of the white walkers finishes and every one on the army of the dead vanishes. After that Danerys names Jon the king of the seven kingdoms and goes back to Mereen to rule.

  6. I want to add a crazy theory, what if in Cersie's madness she kills Jamie and like earlier revenge Tyrion ends up killing Cersie. Therefore Maggie's Valanquars theory is proved right.

  7. I know in season 7 sansa sees through little fingers plans and is helped by Bran to carry it through. Then Arya executes little finger. Sansa will probably ask bran to show a vision, maybe the one where little finger betrays Ned stark in the great hall. My theory is that Arya will ask Bran to show a vision of what happened to Syrio Forel. Then Arya realized that she killed Meryn Trant for nothing?? Idk, Meryn deserved it anyway

  8. hey Charlie how about the theory that jon was actually Roberts bastard . that would be one to F everything up if it was actual true. anyways i thought this one would get the fans talking.
    much love to your channel, you are as your tuber name says amazingly awesome. .


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