Eddie Bravo Dives Deep Into Some Conspiracy Theories With Sam Tripoli



  1. says something as stupid as no US allies have ever been attacked by ISIS and wants to be taken seriously as some big truth teller???? lmao!!! stick to martial arts Eddie… obvious Alex Jones fanboy that will question/argue everything except anything Alex rants about…. although not even Alex would say something that bloody easy to prove wrong lol

  2. Regarding NSA/ CIA voice2skull and mind reading (subvocalisation) technology:

    Hi. I'm also a victim of mind reading / control. I'm implanted with this technology from 2008. It is first time I heard "voices". In 2013, they said it is 100k worth mind reading equipment. I thought I got mad, but they clearly hear what I'm thinking. It is very simple: when you think, your brain sends thoughts to your vocal chords as vibrations. Think about subvocalization – it is the same. They are using semiconductor accelerometer to detect these vibrations and send data using RFID technology (no batteries needed and remote / wireless). Data decoding is done using 1-2 GHz transmitter-receiver device. In E. Snowden stolen NSA documentation this device is called "radar". Many NSA equipment uses this technology – transmitting modulated external radio signal. Data decoded in their computer using software similar to voice recognition. The main difference is that it decodes your vocal chord vibrations. Implants are placed in your sinuses. They can easily put / remove them using endoscopic equipment. No brain implants or something. It is behind your cheeks or forehead. "Voices" are coming from simple radio through bone / tissue conduction to inner ear using piezoelectric transducer. More related information about the above:
    http://venetosmani.com/publications/Speech_Activity_Detection_Using_Accelerometer_IEEE_EMBC_2012.pdf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subvocalization

    This is NATO counterintelligence technology – FBI implanted russian spy with these implants and caught every member of the spy cell in USA (Anna Chapman and co.). They remotely and constantly detect your subvocal speech from vocal cords using vibration detecting accelerometer "bug" in your sinus (behind cheeks or forehead). After investigation they endoscopicaly remove them through your nose. This is the little secret about which investigators should not talk in the court. And don't forget about terrorism – these implants were used extensively during secret CIA prisons programs in Europe. Now there are "mind reading" problems in countries (Lithuania, Poland, Italy), where CIA operated secret prisons. In Poland people asked their Minister of Defence about psychotronic weaponry used on local population. After revealing of such technology in Lithuania some intelligence officers commited suicides, some died from diseases. Also in Poland one high ranking military intelligence officer tried to commit suicide.

    So spread a word about accelerometer subvocalisation chip in sinuses for the mases. 😉

  3. The alien/UFO claims are just a bunch more propaganda. Want us living in fear and it's all just a distraction from the real things going on. Fear the demons holograms and agents that live around us


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