Prediction / fan fiction concerning Game of Thrones season 7. Part 6: “The Ice Dragon”

Several ideas:
Night King attacks at the Wall
First Daenerys will win
The battle will later turn in the favor of the White Walkers
Jon Snow and Brienne will save the day
A dragon will be lost to… ICE

Enjoy !



  1. I was so upset by Vicerion's death that I almost decided not to watch Game of Thrones anymore. I don't like the Night King nor this Episode. Maybe one of Daenerys other dragons is actually a girl and will produce an egg – I think that would be cool!

  2. In this fantasy world the coming winter is foretold and mostly ignored. They are to busy living their lives. No one caring until it is to late.

    All the people of this world focused on one show all the while ignoring what is prophesied to take place i this real world.

    Does this not sound familiar??????

    In this world of reality the time of the book of Revelation is ignored and during this time frame 2/3 of this worlds population will be killed by God through His direct wrath.

    This is the worlds direct future… First the resurrection / rapture then the chaos that will bring the anti christ (coming winter foretold of)

    Now is the time to believe 'THE' Jesus Christ of 'THE'' scriptures (1 Cor 15:1-4) before you are left behind at the resurrection / rapture to face the wrath of God (Coming winter John 3:36)

    Leave this fake Hollywood world far behind and focus on the coming REAL WINTER where 2/3 of this worlds population will be killed by the direct wrath of God (Daniel 9:27 & the book of Revelation).

    Time is so very short. will you not believe (1 Cor 15:1-4)

    All this speculation over fantasy when the real winter looms before you just as prophesied (Daniel 9:27)

  3. These scenes remind me of Us and its allies vs Germany and its allies and the white walkers are North Korea? Notice how North Korea now has a nuke, white walkers now have a dragon. My best guess how this ends is that everyone ends up being a white walker they have some crazy killers. Realistically Us and its allies are going to find a way to win. I wish i had that behind the scenes pass to be able to know the plots and reasons. although the anticipation is addictive.

  4. Viserion originally had Red eyes; now he has Blue; if Bran manages to warg him his eyes will be White.

    Raven (etymology): “Old English hræfn (Mercian), hrefn; hræfn (Northumbrian, West Saxon), from Proto-Germanic *khrabanaz (source also of Old Norse hrafn, Danish ravn, Dutch raaf, Old High German hraban, German Rabe "raven," Old English hroc "rook"), from PIE root *ker- (2), imitative of harsh sounds (source also of Latin crepare "to creak, clatter," cornix "crow," corvus "raven;" Greek korax "raven," korone "crow;" Old Church Slavonic kruku "raven;" Lithuanian krauklys "crow"). “

    I think the etymology supports that as well. As I am reading this, the key component of a 'raven' in the oldest languages has everything to do with making 'harsh sounds'. And I think it fair to say that the noise a dragon makes is 'harsh'.
    It might also be interesting if Bran's human body dies while he is warg'd into Viserion. He might wind up inside Viserion indefinitely…and rid of his now crippled human form.

    Given how depressed Bran is regarding being crippled, I am not sure he would NOT prefer being an Ice/White Dragon rather than a crippled boy. And in typical wrap-around fashion of mythology, a permanently warg'd Bran Ice Dragon could be incredibly useful in (re-)building/repairing that wall…ergo: Bran the (re-)Builder…


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