Part 4 of The Wars to Come: More Unlikely Allies, Doom of Valyria Explained.

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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Pamela Mertz-Lady Green Hand
Game of Thrones
Paul Taaks-Green Hand Knight
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  1. It does say in the book that Jeor joined the watch out of shame over what his son did. It didn't have anything to do with his sister. And he doesn't have bitree feelings for her, just plain old sibling pettiness that comes with being so familiar with someone. It also says in the books that some lords join the watch when they feel their usefulness is waning in their homelands. You guys have some of the dumbest theories, based on some of the most ridiculous assumptions and interpretations. Go back and read the books again, and stop trying to make the story got your own fantasies.

  2. Not really important but typically in a world at this time period a girl would not have her first period until near 16 and not birth until 18, placing the Mormont age of early childbearing more like 16 rather than 13

  3. You said eastern side of Westeros but the arrow was indicating the western coast. Love the theories. I too had come to many of the same conclusions as you regarding Jon Snow and N+A. Keep up the good work.

  4. I like this theory but Jeor may have taken the black because of the poor management there that was letting raids happen on bear island almost constantly. This is how Jorah was able to sell Raiders as slaves. Maybe after what happened to Jorah. Jeor took the black to better the management at the wall and slow down the amount of raids on bear island.

  5. I love your videos. Thanks for time that goes into them. Let me ask you this . Could it be as simple as eye colors? Red and blue make violet eyes. Gold or yellow and blue make moss green eyes. And of course my favorite, black and white make gray eyes. I've always had a notion that all this started with the nights king and queen. Red eyed night king ( greenseer ) plus blue eyed nights queen make a violet eyed Valeryians. Maybe the pact stated they had to live in the lands of always summer. Just some thoughts over the years. Keep up the good work.

  6. I love The Order of the Green Hand . discovered this on chance and i have been hooked since , i have shared this info with friends and family and they all tune in to The Order of the Green Hand . thanks so much …. looking forward to continue watching the vids in order as suggested .

  7. I would love to get a video just on the children of the forest, or if there is one, does it have a non-obvious name? (I've looked for one, but haven't seen it.)

    I haven't seen many other places on the internet where the children of the forest are looked at as the primary antagonists, but my interests are piqued.

  8. I've been binging your guys' videos for the past few weeks and I'm so intrigued by the depth of this world that George has created, it seems worlds apart from the Tv series and I'm loving it. Wondering if you guys have a recommended order to read all the books in? Thanks for all the time and effort guys, appreciate it.

  9. I believe Ned knew alot more than he ever ever told anyone what so ever! I think his last words right before he dies was a message to bran letting him know who jons parents are. I do not think Jon will make it out alive at all even though I want him to more than anything. I would say he will have a son by the end that will never know his father or maybe might not know his mother ad he describes to Sam as being one of his greatest fears. ( to father a bastard child) anyways. let me know what you think.

  10. But consider that the KG at the tower of joy had no idea who would show up. Since Robert was determined to kill everyone that had anything to do with the taking of L. stark I'm sure Raygar assumed that Robert would be the one that arrived along with Ned to rescue her. I apologize for being a little outspoken as I was on my 1st comment. I wanted M. raider to be aurther dayne. As I want Ned to be a faceless man. However I don't think it will turn out that way. another thing I think people would look at ad far as the new season trailer is concerned is the man talking to bran as he sits in the chair at the tree. is that not blood raven? looks like his build, same clothes, same hair. watch it and let me know if that don't look like him

  11. so how do you explain all the things about the kings guard? you have been proven wrong on them according to the TV show. the old kings gaurd are dead they died at the tower of joy! unless you really think the show is going that far off base with the books which I can't see martin letting happen. I listen to your videos I just can't see everyone having a secret identity it would take away from the story.

  12. man I live game of thrones and listing to everyone's comments and things but yal are so off base it ain't even funny. yal have a secret for every single character in the story lol and yal are wrong about most every single one

  13. Also I disagree with the notion that Leyton Hightower will stop Euron, there's no way GRRM builds up the Crow's Eye like he did in The Forsaken chapter for him to fail that soon, like Melisandre said "I saw towers by the sea, submerged beneath a black and bloody tide. That is where the heaviest blow will fall." I have a strong feeling that's Oldtown and we know Euron will be coming on a sea of blood, he's going to cause some serious damage before he's stopped & he's clearly being built up as a worthy adversary for Daenerys. It's far more likely that he'll conquer Oldtown, maybe even take Sam prisoner and blow the Horn of Joruman which Sam still carries (if you believe that small black & bronze horn Jon found is the real deal).

  14. Why does Lord Commander Mormont have such contempt for his sister? If I recall rightly didn't Tormud once have a kinky encounter with a She Bear? Maybe…..
    Edit; wrote this at the 5:18 mark, when I refer to Tormund I mean Tormund, not Gerold as I still don't believe he's Tormund.
    Also I never thought of the black stone in that strategic way before, it does seem almost like a defence against the Children of the Forest & the Others, nice catch there, very interesting idea indeed.

  15. in a world of Ice and Fire there's a whole big thing that talks about the Doom of valyria and how the valerians had forgotten to form of magic that would quell the volcanoes and how eventually the magic was forgotten and there was no way to renew it and eventually the Spells got old and the volcanoes erupted in a gigantic pressure letting I really don't think the children of the forest were able to blow valyria up

  16. Not going to lie, The SOIAF story is really starting to sound like a retelling of how the settlers from Europe came to America. With the children being the natives and the Europeans being the First Men.
    And, then I ask myself, are the Children really the "bad guys" in this story? They only seem to be defending their lands.

  17. No mention of the Lynesse Hightower – Jorah Mormont marriage?
    Could it have been a set up to remove Jorah because he wasn't suitable to bring into the plot?

    Maege – Tormund has been theorized before, but I wonder if what you're adding leads to more longer term conclusions then a one nighter. What anout Tormund's 4 sons and daughter? Also my Meage or by a wildling woman?

  18. Guys…. plus Thormund is called "husband to bears". The women of Bear Island… Maege is a bear and the text says they dont have a husband or dont say who their husbands are…can´t recall exactly.

  19. The Children of the Forest are the enemy of men or are they just acting in self defense? If men slaughter your people and destroy your habitat wouldn't you fight back? The forest dwellers near the Dothraki are the only people they do not slaughter. They actually revere them. If the Valyrians were about to set their sights on Westerns then the Doom was another act of self defense of not only the COF but of the Westerosi.


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