N+A, Part 1: Timeline surrounding Jon Snow’s birth.
Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.
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Pamela Mertz-Lady Green Hand
Game of Thrones
Paul Taaks-Green Hand Knight
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Well it seems the show has got something right after all. The name of the baby who was born at The Tower of Joy is in fact Aegon. And they are merging Jon and Aegon plot into Jon alone.
I'm dubious. But I'm also intrigued. Time will tell if this is correct.
Also, the audio quality in later videos is vastly superior. Just goes to show what a little experience can do!
2.20 @The Order of the Green Hand i think i know the quote you are referencing and to bw honest i think he was saying something like: in the old days when a reader realized something then he was the only one that knew it, nowadays with the internet everybody finds out about it once one person shares it with the rest…that;s why he said that one or two people have put together subtle clues….
Hi OTGH!. It's your old friend Darkstar SOTE. Can you two do a live debate show deciding the fantasy Trial by Combat between my friend and myself? We used any real character from the ASOIAF…
Which GoT app are you referring to?
R+L doesn't equal J??? Really? I mean . . . really?
I love seeing how other people see things in this story. Even though GrrM didn't let D&D produce the show until they guessed Jon's mother. Also interviews he made saying that he gave them points that couldn't be changed including three major twists. Two of the 3 being Hodor and the burning of Stannis's daughter. It's still fun to watch different theories. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.businessinsider.com/the-game-of-thrones-writers-had-to-answer-this-trick-question-2015-4
In the old version that George had originally written when it was supposed to be a trilogy, he had meant it to be R+L=J. He had wanted it so that Arya and Jon had a romance but since they were half siblings, they wouldn't act on it. But then Jon's true parentage would be revealed and he wouldn't be as conflicted. Considering he got rid of the J+A part, maybe he got rid if RLJ? But it is interesting that RLJ was at least the original plan..
Basing the validity of a theory on how many differences there are between book and TV show is almost the same as saying that Peter Jackson did not shoot a LotR trilogy because he left out Tom Bombadil, among other things.
Apparently you love the material, you CAN do better in these theories (and they don't always need to be very far fetched, I who haven't read the books knew how Jon would return after being killed – yes, the creators of the show said he was dead and he WAS, he was brought BACK by Mel).
Sometimes the simplest idea is the actual truth, example being R+L=J. I have the complete box set for S1-S6 and on the last discs, theres a bunch of bonus content, and theres always a "Making of.." type episode, and they interview the actors, directors and GRRM himsellf, the "Making of…" type show always is dedicated to the most important episode of the season, plotwise, and for each of these shows, they basically sit down with GRRM and discuss certain theories and concepts and how GRRM's written pieces should be translated on television, GRRM gives his input ALOT on those '"plot wrapping" episodes. Example being The Battle of Blackwater Bay and Hodor, R+L=J had to come from GRRM himself, I believe. And that "The Dragon & The Wolf" being one of those episodes. I love your vids but just disagree with this one. I think GRRM may have told D&D that R+L=J way ahead of time, proof being the diagram HBO had put up on its GoT page, which connected the lines of R & L and then J about three seasons ago. I just cant see HBO pulling that out of its behind without any of GRRM's input. So yeah, its simple and flemsy but maybe thats truly how GRRM wanted it. He definitely said these things, showcasing how intriguing his thought process and writing is, but just maybe none of those applied to R+L=J , and thats just truly how GRRM wanted Jon's storyline to go. Either way, I hope we find out soon with WOW, we know how it turned out on the show, but I'd like to see if GRRM decided to stray far from that conclusion on the show, and does things on a different note.
Going to enjoy this playlist while I work on my essay. Thanks guys! Have a new sub. 😉
Just have one question. When D&D wanted to do the show…..George asked them who they thought Jons father was and if they could get that answer right, they could do the show. They got it right, and did the show, and this was the answer. So, you guys are yet ANOTHER group of hipster book purists. Sorry peeps, but George all but told D&D the truth, then they told us. So youre wrong…DEAL WITH IT.
Ok you're right, R + L does not equal J. R + L = A because his name is not Jon But Aegon. Ha
Finds channel that uses House Allyrion's symbol, decides to marathon the entire Green Hand series just for that.
soooo r+l does =j
Jon being Ned's actual son makes Ned's character more interesting and parallels Jon+Ygritte and Robb+Jeyne
Where both of his son broke their oathes
jon doe
Love the artwork of your house!
This video didn't age well.
no evidence
Wow! going in deep with this. I hope the books have it different than the show to be honest
Holy fuck you guys completely over thought this shit!
I've never believed this one either, and HBO and GOT would never deceive you?
Where did Jon get his black hair? A recessive black haired gene isn't coming out for a mousy brown and a platinum blonde, it isn't happening. Jon does look like a Stark, and before they parted at the kings road, Ned said he would tell him about his Mother, if R + L = J he'd also have to tell him about his father. I do not believe Ned would have worded it that way if he wasn't his father.
And what's up with blaming the child for the parents misdeads? They can take that bastard crap and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
Lol gorge already comforted Jon mother
I've watched all the videos. Giving them another go because they are the best. Other channels are good too, but thery support the R +L=J nonsense. You guys have it right. Martin will not make it that easy and I think everyone else is in a for a Red Wedding like twist for the end.
Millions if people is far more than 1 or 2. Why it is so hilarius