Ending of HBO’s Game of Thrones season 5 episode 8.

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  1. What if the night King is warging inside all of the dead bodies to make them appear to be alive, that's why once a white walker dies the dead who they've turned die with them. And also why the night King can see Bran when he wargs.

  2. I am 1000% addicted to Game of Thrones. GRRM knows how to write an epic story. When my children ask about the shows, and media i grew up with…GOT, Sopranos, The Wire, Deadwood, west world, are shows that will be mentioned. This is one series that is going to go down in the history books and I am glad I was alive to experience and witness. This show actually brought me back into the real world a bit more lol. Got a little bit less depressed and started going to viewing parties with my friends again and it's just great to be part of the human race again lol.

  3. Anyone else realize that this entire clip has the angle flipped versus the original show? I remember the night king looking to his left before he raised the dead, not right. And when wun wun ran to the see it was from left to right, not right to left. Weird.


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