With the release of the new Alpha Legion book, ‘Sons of the Hydra’ my attention has been peaked. Could Omegon still be alive somewhere, waiting for the right time to reveal himself?
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  1. I think it was Alpharius, Omegon and the third was the best fighter of the alpha legion. If they want to do Alpha Legion good agian, they should be split like one half follow Emporer and othere half Chaos so those that want to play chaos Alpha Legion be happy just like the loyalis

  2. My crack pot theory is that omegon convinced guilliman he was a loyalist working to subvert chaos from the inside and guilliman allowed him to fake his own death… omegon gave guilliman the gene tech he took from corax and that is how we get primaris marines. it coincides with my theory that when making the codex and second founding guilliman secretly made chapters from loyalist traitor legions and took primarch ship to hide their origin like the silver skulls….It was a practical to an untenable theoretical…..

  3. The legion can copy Alpharius and Omegon using special genetic modifiers, but it is only temporary. What I mean by this is that whomever Guilliman killed is kinda irrelevant, unless it was Omegon. Whether Rowboat killed a 3rd Primarch or a decoy really makes 0 difference story wise and I honestly see no point in there being a reveal of a 3rd Alpha Legion Primarch only for them to say that he just died in one battle. Even if he did die in such a lame way, who cares what he did? It would all be shrouded in lies anyway… Otherwise HYDRA DOMINATUS

  4. We are all Alpharius.

    The split Legion would work really well and add a unique aspect to not just the lore but the game. I think it would be an interesting dichotomy opposed to the Dark Angels who secret the Fallen so heavily because they believe they would be dishonored or worse.

    The idea of a Harrowmaster or something akin to it staying traitor, believing the Imperium is too far gone or not worth saving or w.e vs the Primarch and a small band of loyalists would make for good storytelling.

  5. I read Legion and the the Raven Guard book where Alpha Legion steals/ corrupts the tech to make space marines… Alpha Legion only joined Chaos to save mankind due to influence from Gramaticus and the "Cabal" (The end of the galaxy movie thing). I imagine if any traitor legion would come back it would be them

  6. Dunno about Omegon but…..He is Alpharius
    Theres something cool about Alpha legion….even though they might consider themselves still loyal to the emperor in thinking the only way to end chaos for good (which the Emperor wants) is to destroy humanity…I say fuck em thats traitorous either fight for your side to the bitter end….or youre just as much of a traitor as any other traitor legion.

  7. Alright So I think that since Roberte did fight Omegon. However they where both separated from both their legions and during the fight Omegon was able to convince Roberte of his true colors, that he never wanted to follow chaos, that he was still loyal, and maybe that he was trying to turn his legion back, so Roberte let him go but claimed to have killed him to get the Empire off of Alpha Legions back.

  8. In your video, 'More Primarchs Returning…Ashes of Prospero information' part of the displayed quote is 'A shadow rises to the call of the Allfather's messengers, a darkness that strikes from within.'
    If a Primarch of the Alpha Legion is still active this could be in reference to them.

  9. Alphaious is dead, dead, dead!
    But why would anyone think that Omegon is dead? As far as I know there is NOTHING in the backstory that says he is. The question, as I see it, is rather, why has he not been more active for the last 10.000 years?

    The three heads of the Hydra represent the Alpha (beginning), the Omega (the end) and Sigma (the whole) or Alpharious, Omegon, and the Legion itself.

    And the Alpha Legion has never been much for outright worship of Chaos. It is not dedicated to a chaos god (the same as the Night Lords and Iron Warriors, and it does not worship Chaos as a whole (like the Word Bearers). In fact the Alpha Legion seems to view Chaos more like a tool to be wielded in war.

    So could there be a Primarch out there, who could potentially rally a legion's worth of space marines to the defense of the Imperium?


  10. I'd like to think so, it wouldn't be that unbelievable for omegon to trick the traitorous alpharius into fighting Dorn and dying. It would truly turn the tide for the imperium if they had two primarchs, instead of one. But due to Gulliman's and Omega's differing personalities, I'd say they wouldn't work directly with each other, but they would co-operate.

  11. instead of the hydra having 3 heads a far more likely explanation would be that the alpha legion geneseed has the capacity to create new primarchs if alpharius or omegon are killed they are near instantly replaced by the next in line wich would fit the whole hydra theme incredibly well. maybe those new primarchs even inherit the memorys of the previous primarchs wich would make them more or less indistinguishable from the originals.

  12. Chapter Master Valrak BTW isn`t it a perfect mirror situation The First Legion returns with Fallen chaos army and XX returns with half of loyalist army 😀 like in the "Legion" First and the last are most important and make the most impact :p


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