

  1. Idk but it's so funny to see how people get really happy because he died (i did too lol) And it's funny too how some people complain about them making a lot of noise, if you don't want to see or hear any reaction then don't watch reactions videos in the first place

  2. All I see is a gang of bad dressed, uncontrolled people who enjoy the death of a character( by showing the middle finger( wouldn't be the little one more appropriate?) To a TV serial character). Seriously, it's only a character! And how can you laugh to such a gruesome death? I guess what hapoened next, when they saw Kit Harrington hodoring his aunt.

  3. I love how much they laugh… One could accuse them of being terrible people for laughing at the last plea of a man who's about to die… But this is Littlefinger. I laughed like a maniac too. I haven't laughed this much in GoT since Joffrey.


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