Why is Melisandre going to Volantis? What role do the Red Priests play in the endgame? Is it possible that they will return with something even more game-changing than just a few guards from the Fiery Hand?

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  1. I think she is going to re-stock her supplies, get some help from the strongest of Mages & return to dragonstone. With only 6 episodes, they’ll have to get her help, quickly

  2. Don't forget about blood magic. Melisandre used simple offerings of blood to perform blood magic, the blood of a kings lineage even more powerful. But blood in the form of a sacrifice was the most powerful. We saw how it affected the weather, from a cold blizzard to ice melting. Could this combat the long winter in any way? There is also the "life for a life" aspect. Blood magic can raise the dead. I cannot help but think Varys was part of a blood magic ceremony, his "parts" being a sacrifice for an unknown exchange or spell.
    I think Varys and/or Melisandre will be sacrificial offerings for blood magic. Blood magic can be defensive…blood magic can be a weapon. Blood magic has been an integral part of Melisandre's persona. I think the fact she says she will die is because she has kept herself alive for 400+ years waiting to be there and help in the azor ahai fulfillment.

  3. I just don’t see Arya killing Melisandre. Arya has only ever killed in self defense, or revenge. Once she sees that Melisandre didn’t sacrifice Gendry, she has no reason to kill her.

  4. (around) 8:50 seems like a weird proposition to me, since the story and you yourself in previous videos established how fallible and deceitful the faith in rhollor and the red priests themselves really are, in all aspects, be it the conception and interpretation of prophecies and visions, the source and causes of magic, or the practice of magic itself. given what you yourself so brilliantly researched so far, I find it highly unlikely the high priest would now suddenly be a super wizard raising thousands of dead people just like that, and just because of one (again: very vague) sentence. or did I miss something?
    and even if: we know how (they think that) rhollor works – there'd be an immense price to pay. (not that possibly turning those thousands of people over to the night king wouldn't already be dangerous enough)

    about azor ahai: personally, at this point I don't really care if he/she is real and who it is, as I find it much more interesting how prophecies are handled in general – as one of those fantasy tropes that martin likes to flip, deconstruct and enrich with complexity.
    but have you seen this one: "Rhaegar: was Jon’s father the true hero of Game of Thrones?" (on youtube) – not as prominent in fan theories as dany or jon I think, and quite good.

  5. Your theories made my mind blow! Melissandre is absolutely misunderstood (not by you), as well as the depth of the story we are into. The simplicity of the 5th-7th tv seasons have nothing to do with the layers in the book. I admire the way you took one of those layers and build a theory on it, and liked it, two armies of the dead versus humans, yes, this is something I would love to read. Keep on deconstructing Melissandre, I want more because I think your analysis are one of the best you can find among the community.

  6. Robert, I LOVE the connection you make between the fire and ice armies. GRRM did mention that there are fire wights, so…if we take him at his word that that's what Beric and Jon are, then why wouldn't there be a single entity with an equivalent power to the NK's necromancy. Could it actually be Bran who accomplishes this with the help of the red priests/priestesses? The structure would be similar too.

  7. I'm not interested as much in where she's going as I am where she came from. We know basically nothing about her backstory, and if she really is 400 years old as many people believe, you know she's got one hell of a backstory to tell.

    Unfortunately, I fear we are not going to hear that story at all on the show, which sucks because, why show us her old-ass self without the necklace, if you're not going to explain it?

    I feel the same way about Varys. We saw / heard enough of his background to get us interested, but I don't think D&D are going to give us any more than that.

    I'm sure both of these characters' stories will be told in the books, but I just think the show has way too many storylines to tie up before the end, and six episodes (even if they are 80-90 minutes long) is not enough to do it. This is why I feel like they could have done 10 episodes apiece for the last two seasons, and still not had to waste any time on "filler". Hell, my opinion, they could have gone up to 10 seasons and still not run out of material or had the show drop off at all. Just think of all the great stuff in the books that could have been explored on the show had they done 10 seasons… The two I talked about above, the Dorne stuff, the Ironborn, Lady Stoneheart, Young Griff… Those are much more interesting than some of the stuff we did end up getting on the show.

    Meh, it is what it is I suppose. I still love the show and it is still by far the greatest TV show in the history of television.

  8. If she is one woman splinter movement then she's something similar to Sam with the meisters. The way she might be misunderstood is than out of all red priests she's the only one who cares. So far we saw nothing from red priests that indicates they're doing anything for the greater good. Tyrion gives them religious dominion over Slaver's Bay and in return they preach Danny is their savior, champion of Lord of Light, bla bla… Kinvara came prepared yet she only came when invited. Mel on the other hand takes initiative going to Stannis, Jon and Danny. To me Mel is trying to do something and other priests just care about spreading their influence. Mel turning the tide of the great war with ex machina Fiery Hand is dumb so I hope she's going for knowledge.

  9. Happy New Year Robby ..I think AA is the Lord of Light himself and his nissa nissa may had been a Red Priestess..As i had said[in some comments before] i have connected the AA myth with the Greek God Apollo [the Greek Lord of Light]..thing that GRRM seems to had been inspired.In the Greek Mythology the Gods sometimes they transformed to humans/heroes [you ask why peoples believing into the AA]for to take place in the war[Apollo in Iliad helped the Trojans against the Greeks]or to save their believers from a danger[Aphrodite saved Paris life ..during his combat with Menelaus in Iliad..because he was her more hardest believer]..AA might had been the Lord of Light himself transformed into a human and had save the peoples and his believers into the first Long Night..This time might happen something similar again[in the books more..in the show idk]…Mellisandra is also going to Volantis for not only for to meet with Kinvara for to take the Fiery Hand Army ..but also for to meet with the Lord of light himself..and to ask him for his support[who is questionable thing because we dont know if that God is good or evil god or what are his intentions and purposes to this war].Also i had think somehow that Mell tell that to Danny because she believes both she and Jon might be hook up/marry and from their union be born the Prince/ess that WAS Promised/AA..Perhaps might Mellisandra be nissa nissa and for this reason:The NK might to interested for the baby and tries to approach him/her ..but Mellisandra sacrifices herself for him/her[whatever is this baby] for to protect him/her from the NK and offer herself to the NK being his NQ.IMell is the One for to sacrifice herself for the Prince that was Promised/AA defeat/kill the NK with his/her birth[death pay for life]..She is zealot at all…Also can i think that the Order of the Fiery Hand is needed not only for to fight but also for to protect ..Maybe their protection be the Prince That Was Promised/AA/Dannys/Jon son/daughter ..Bennero sais that because he had knows that Danny will give birth the AA [the Reincarnation -rebirth of the Lord of Light] and the Fiery Hand will have a purpose to fight /protect him/her with their own lives from the Great Other[NK] ..They will reborn via him/her…Maybe also that baby[be born from ice[Jon]and Fire[Danny] be some kind of balance between the Great Other[ice/darkness/death] and Rhilor[Fire/light/life]..Mellisandra will give her life for to this prophesy fullfiled thats why she will die in Westeros as nissa nissa as she hinted … for the Lord of Light /AA be reborn via Jons/Danny child and end up the darkness forever..What do you think?

  10. Another Parallel comes to mind – assuming Melisande will come at the point of greatest need, of course the LotR ending both of Helms Deep and the Final Battle – but I also think of Lewis's ending of the Narnia Chronicles – Jon bringing (my guess ) a dead Army of his own form Winterfell's crypts, the Dire Wolves, Dragons…. all at the Climax – reminds me of Narnia at it's end, calling in all Freinds of Narnia form time and space to it's final aid.

  11. I think The clues are in the answer >Davos is the one to kill her and will use jon sword stabbed her in the heart more than likely

    Ayra has taking her off her list but will He her as a old women though

  12. I've been thinking that maybe (just maybe) Bran might have something to do with Melisandre's death. It seems like Stannis promised Jon to change his name to Stark if he destroyed the "godswood". He had already bent the knee. It seems to me that Melisandre's faith goes against the old gods of the north. The Red God might even be why the Nights King is now south of the wall. (I know … a bit tinfoil, but it is going to be a very long winter!).

    Thanks for the great video.

  13. Interesting idea – but almost a nightmare scenario – 2 armies locked in combat, dying, being raised, fighting and dying again – repeating over and over
    As for Melisande – it sounded like she is expecting to die, finally – seems she is tired of her long life, once her mission is over ,she will be ready to cross over. Hmm – sounds like the Wizards of LotR. It puts me in the mind of Gandolf's words near the end. He was always Sauron's enemy…she has always been the Great Other/ NK's enemy. Once the Dawn is won, her time will be over either way…
    we know she is impossibly old, wonder if she was there in the last long night? Thought anyone-


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