*I disabled comment because people love to spoil sheet!* This is the single greatest episode of game of thrones yet! period! Khaleesi made me cry with so much emotion that i wasnt ready for! only this show can do that to me! only the great khaleesi can! this is the ultimate build up for all these seasons! OMG!!! … please subscriber if you like the content we provide. thank you! and thank you HBO for this amazing show!

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  1. I subscribed! You get Daenerys aka Khaleesi just like I do. You are one few men who like and respect her. Thank you for your reaction video. I enjoyed watching it.

  2. Dothraki barely did any of the fighting. several of them fell to a one-handed man in fact. Although he used to be the greatest sword in Westeros; he's missing a hand now… talking about people dont know how the fight when the dudes were playng from the bench lol. Drogon won that battle

  3. Hey, Jody. I know I'm late to this GoT party, but Jon had a deja vu in that cave with Khaleesi when she told him "you would let your people die because of your pride." I remember hearing those words before. Jon said the exact same thing to Mance Rayder, the leader of the Wildlings at Castle Black before he died, because he wouldn't bend the knee to Stannis. Only difference, Stannis wasn't the true King, but Khaleesi is it true Queen. It's in S5 Esp1. Love me some Khaleesi!

  4. I do think that a movie focusing on stuff with less source material and a show focusing solely on source material would add up to something fucking epic. That was a good ass idea

  5. sorry but khaleesy does do shit herself, she charged against an entire army atop her dragon, she's as much as of a warrior as anyone else, she doesn't just let the dragons fuck shit up while she watches from afar, she actually rides them into battle. in fact, in this particular scene, she almost got shot down from her dragon multiple times, putting herself at risk! So people claiming she just sits on her ass are simply not watching the same damn show!

  6. I agree with y'all too, I think some fanboys give Dany a bad wrap because she is a strong female character that doesn't swing a sword.
    But there are more sophisticated ways to wreck an enemy
    The psychological effect of seeing the dothraki and the dragons made Jaime go tell Cersei that they can't beat em

  7. What you guys said about Daenerys' haters is soooo damn true, facts only! They hate on her for doing things male characters do all the damn time because they can't stand to see a female be the most powerful character in the show and she IS the most powerful character in the show. It makes them especially mad to see that she's above their precious Jon (who I like, just speaking facts). And people who act like she's nothing without her dragons forgot how she got the Dothraki to follow her again in season 6… by getting rid of all the Khals ON HER OWN with FIRE AND BLOOD. To say she's nothing without her dragons is dumb because it's the same as saying Jon and Cersei are nothing without their armies. Her ancestors conquered seven kingdoms with their 3 dragons, she's doing the same and there's nothing wrong with it if civilians aren't being harmed.

  8. Omg i really love your reactions! I watched them all today and i really cried of your reactions! I love it! Of you all btw! See you next season can't wait on your future reactions hahaha! Love from the netherlands from another big fan of THE GAME OF THRONESSS

  9. Thank you so much for recognizing that people DO criticize Khaleesi for doing the SAME shit in battle that men do, but when they do it, hey, that's war, man. But when Khaleesi does it, omg she's the "Mad Queen." And who the fuck managed military strategy for Khaleesi this season? Dumb asses! Their strategy was "don't attack King's Landing" with the dragons because the death toll would be too great, but instead "siege King's Landing" and starve the Lannister army AND CIVILIANS inside. THAT'S their big plan. Excuse me but how would a ten-month siege of King's Landing save ANY MORE lives than a one-day battle targeting the Red Keep??!! Khaleesi's instincts this season were ALWAYS right, I'm just upset she didn't ignore her counsel and ACT on those instincts.

  10. Jody man… U do a great robert baratheon … U sound just like him, thats cool.. Also, i been ranting for 7 years on all the damn daenerys haters, shes the best person on the whole damn show… Great reaction vids man

  11. Even Jorah took out a big dog Dothraki because they aren't all that used to fighting men in metal armor (although now they are slightly more used to it) but Jon would still wreck random Dothraki even Bronn took out like two, if it's a Khal with his braid never cut then maybe he would wreck Jon, Drogo would have killed Jon I don't doubt that.

  12. "I know where you're taking me."
    Omg, that cracked me up.🤣
    'Show' Arya is getting on my nerves. There is no way she has mastered the Water Dance. She last trained in that style when she was 9. House of black & white…she was, like, the cleaning lady. Where in the show has she had enough training anywhere to suddenly become this master assassin? And Bran, this sudden lobotomized personality between this season and last…wtf? Could they not spare a scene or two showing why this happened? The writers are really rushing everything…and that sucks.

  13. Jody, you're saying people hate on Khaleesi and she has a kind heart. There are people who hate Jon, too. Like you lol I wouldn't say Jon is that ignorant to her greatness. Messandei reminds people every time she introduces her with her 15 titles haha Jon is just consumed with the Night King and what he knows is coming. I love them both, but can see why people were down on her before this episode. She hasn't shown the compassion you spoke of in a while. She came off very cocky for a while and very demanding.

  14. Hey Jody, great reaction video!

    Best GoT Episode ever!

    Speaking of Arya Stark's fighting skills; remember way back in the first season (I think it was the first season of GoT) Ned Stark hired Syrio Forel the Swordsman to teach Arya the "Water Dance" technique of fighting?

    She learned that style of sword fighting way before she trained with the Faceless Men. In her mock-duel with Brienne of Tarth, we see her using stances and strikes from the Water Dance training.


    George B.


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