Joe Dempsie is hoping he can keep a secret (Picture: HBO)

Game Of Thrones star Joe Dempsie is worried he won’t be able to keep a secret when it comes to the final season of the show, because he has to keep everything about the final episode a secret.

Joe, who plays Robert Baratheon’s illegitimate child Gendry, is currently filming season eight, but managed to spare some time to promote his new show Deep State in London this month.

The actor plays an MI6 agent on the show, but while his character has to be a dab hand at keeping secrets, Joe’s worried he won’t be such an expert at it – especially when it comes to one of the most talked about shows on telly.

Speaking at the premiere for Deep State, he said: ‘We’re in the midst of shooting season 8, and a few months back in October we got sent the scripts for the final season and it was a really strange feeling.

‘I remember getting to the end of that final episode and knowing that that was it, there wasn’t gonna be any more Game Of Thrones, and the idea that I have to now carry that around in my head between now and 2019 when it comes out…I’m gonna be drunk at various points! I don’t know if I trust myself.

‘Even just walking around with those scripts in my mind and on me, it felt like this sort of huge secret that the world wants to know.’

Joe’s character Gendry was discovered in Flea Bottom last season (Picture: HBO)

Don’t sweat it, Joe – you only have to hold it for a whole year.

He also revealed that his character Harry Clarke in the FOX drama is ‘the moral compass’ of the show.

‘When you first meet Harry, he’s a young man who is trying to acclimatise to his surroundings and his new occupation,’ Joe said.

‘He’s been in MI6 for a couple of years but he’s only recently been doing postings in the field and the responsibility that comes with the brutal realities of that, I think, is something we wanted to explore, and what I wanted to explore with the character.

‘He’s a trained secret serviceman but that doesn’t mean you don’t pay an emotional price for the work that you do.

‘As the story progresses, Harry’s clearly curious and has joined MI6 in good faith and with the idea that’s he’s fighting the good fight, whatever that may be, and he’s on the right side. And as the series goes on that becomes more and more urgently questioned.

‘He very quickly is a fugitive of his own organisation and he’s under immense duress trying to work out how that’s come about and what it is that has put him on that kill list. It’s a very disorientating world for him to be in.

‘He’s a man of principle, and that’s what guides him. He’s the moral compass of this.’

Deep State starts 5 April at 9pm on FOX.

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