By now you’ve probably heard that Amazon paid a boatload of money to create a series set in author J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings universe. Since then, many have speculated about the series’ subject matter. Amazon hinted that it be a prequel, but what kind? Would it be be set thousands of years before the War of the Ring, or would the story take place right before the events of Peter Jackson’s movies?

We may now know. According to a rumor from fansite, “multiple sources” have confirmed that the show will follow young Aragorn.

Unlike other characters in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies, Aragorn’s backstory was never really explored. Sure, we know he was a ranger of the Dúnedain who went by the name Strider when Frodo and company first meet him in The Fellowship of the Ring, and we learn that he was fostered by Elrond and the elves of Rivendell before learning his true lineage and eventually becoming the King of Gondor in The Return of the King, but…well, actually that’s a fair amount to go on. Still, the specifics elude us.

Anyway, we’re all for it. Aragorn’s rich and mysterious past should make fertile ground for a prequel series, and the writers can consult Tolkien’s voluminous appendices if they’re hurting for material.

Aragorn became acquainted with several key characters in his younger days, including Gandalf the wizard. Sir Ian McKellen has said that he’s not too keen on anyone else filling the wizard’s shoes, so why not give him a call?

What do you mean, another Gandalf? I haven’t said yes because I haven’t been asked. But are you suggesting that someone else is going to play it? Gandalf is over 7000 years old, so I’m not too old [yet].

What are you waiting for, Amazon?

One actor who isn’t interested in returning to the franchise is Andy Serkis, who told Cinema Blend Amazon’s show just didn’t sound like it was for him.

Oh boy, listen, I mean…I don’t think so. And if I was anyone making those, they’re obviously going to want to start fresh and create something brand new. And that’s how it should be. That’s what you do with great, classic pieces of work. Like [The Jungle Book]. It bears repetition, and it bears reinterpretation. And I think it needs a fresh pair of ears and eyes, and I’m sure that’s the way they’ll go.

Amazon has yet to make an official statement about the series. Stay tuned.

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h/t Digital Spy



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