So many of you have made the point that Jon Snow actually dies so I should do a Fate of up until his stabbing. I decided to go ahead and do it. One thing I discovered is I will need to break it up by season in order to do it well. I ‘m calling it The Fate of Lord Snow instead of Jon Snow to signify his death as Lord Commander of the Watch. So here is Season One of Lord Snow more to follow in the next few days:) Jon Snow is Played by Kit Harrington. ( Remember I can only use less then 10 minutes from each episode some alot was cut) Link to intro Music:



  1. Non riuscirò mai a perdonare l'odio di Catelyn Stark nei confronti di Jon… Lui che non ha mai preteso niente dalla sua famiglia, lui che ha adorato e protetto i suoi fratelli più di chiunque altro, lui che si è dimostrato più Stark di ogni altro Stark, lui che ha rinunciato alla sua vita per proteggere il Nord… La punizione più grande x lei sarebbe scoprire la verità adesso e comprendere il gesto nobile del marito che ha cresciuto come suo il figlio della sorella e lo ha amato come tutti gli altri figli mentre lei ha saputo riservargli solo sguardi pieni di disprezzo… Solo l'amore negli occhi dei piccoli Bran e Arya, la grande lealtà di Robb e l'affetto di Ned lo hanno ripagato dalla mancanza di una MADRE vera!

  2. This is a huge reason why I didnt love Catelyn, the way she treated Jon was despicable. He didn't ask to be Ned's pretend bastard. You should be kneeling to him yuh cunt haha well no way of her knowing the truth either. Shame she died without Ned getting a chance to explain. And Ned dying before he could tell Jon himself ir anyone else

  3. Ahh man the nostalgia is so strong!! Not just cuz everybody was alive but I personally think the early seasons were easily the best cuz how close to the books they are, cuz GRRM is ther ultimate storyteller. Which is why the show has declined in regards to the story and dialogue. They rely a lot on CGI to really make the show entertaining. Dont get me wrong seasons 5-7 have been great but season 1-4 were amazing. Especially 1-3

  4. The best channel for GoT, I fuckin love it! He's got all the. Highlights for almost every customer imaginable. The best part is it's any and all scenes that their in. They don't have to be the center of attention. They could be wankin' it in the background and that scene would be in the adventures video LoL!


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