Game Of Thrones 7×07 Season 7 Episode 7 Game Of Thrones S07E07 GOT 7×07 Game Of Thrones 7×08 AresPromo
As Daenerys’ flagship sails north, Jon knocks and enters Dany’s chambers. The pair make love. From the hallway, Tyrion sees the door close before returning to his own room.

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  1. Targaryens cant breed with non Tars. Their kids are Dragon hybrids like Drogo and Dany's stillborn son. Jorah told Dany he had "scales & wings". Its this way to keep the bloodline pure so they can talk to & control their dragons. Dany cant be burned but not so for her brother. Diluting the bloodline makes them less special & no kids result. Dany's parents were bro & sis & she was suppose to marry her brother, Viserys. So a 1/2 Stark, 1/2 Tar is pretty good for this family. People dont seem as disturbed the Lannisters are TWINS! Thats way more ickier.

  2. I don't know, did the actors even read the books? It's perfectly normal that Targaryen marries Targaryen and at some point Daenerys thinks that she always thought she would marry her brother. Why would she be disgusted or think it's wrong to love John.


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