Winter is here and the dead come with it… Legend speaks of a winter that lasted an entire generation known as The Long Night. Now that Game of Thrones is nearing it’s end how bad will this winter be? Some say we will see The Long Night again, but will we see everything that comes with The Long Night? There are tales of Ice Spiders and Snow Bears and Mammoths… Will we see the Night King raise these various animals in order to help him defeat mankind? In this video I discuss all these things! Thanks for watching. Comment below and give me your opinion on all this!

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.

Ice Spider Artwork By:
Marc Simonetti
Snow Bear Artwork By:
Marc Fishman

ASOIAF Novels.
A World of Ice & Fire.

Special Thanks to my Patreon Supporters!
Kyle’s Fookin Chickens, A Don of Ice & Fire, Theon Defense Squad, IndySportsCar Podcast, Cyph3r, Bran The Builder, Sir Thomas, Karri, Maureen, James Mellar, Schuyler, Gene USMC, Nick Innella!



  1. Just as Jon can't live.forever I don't think the Night King can either. yes we will loose some great characters trying to find out what will kill the Night King, there must be a way. I can't see all humanity wiped out and he survived. What would be the point.

  2. love the Golden Company ad! In the s6 hist&lore, the 3 Eyed Raven said: Thus ended the Dawn Age and began the Age of Heroes. Centuries later the evil that the children created returned (2nd time?). It was only an alliance between the First Men and the Children that defeated them. Now the evil is returning AGAIN (3rd time?) and Brandon Stark must learn. so check it… we only heard about 1 long night. was the 2nd that incident with the 13th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch? That means they stopped the LN before it stared last time. "But the Children are just a shadow of their former self" – does that mean they only live on through the Magic that was passed down to (wo)men? Like Brann, Arya, Jon etc.

  3. I've read two of his books, yes he does waste a lot of words and writes reams of useless information. GoT is a compelling story but I prefer the show to the very long winded books, worse than Stephen King with his stream of consciousness meandering.

  4. It wont be a long night. The current generation of people have to finish the war. So it will be a short war, but it will be the most brutal war the world has ever seen. Last time there was the magic of Children of forest with men to fight the others. This time humans are all alone, yeah there are few dragons but that's about it.

  5. I said it before , the only way to stop "The Others" is to kill the Dragons , Jon Snow is going to fall in love with Dany then have to kill her and her Dragonsto save humanity .Azor Ahai indeed .Magic re-awoke in the world with the Dragons .Killing the dragons will put it to sleep again.Or at the least wesken it enough for the humans to have a chance .Dany will accept the sacrifice she must make .It'll all be very bittersweet and sad .But that's what wars all about after all.Dany will go live in the after ( That doesn't exist according to GRRM) with Drogo and her son .


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