If there was one character in season 7 that fans wanted to see more of…scratch that, just plain see, it was Jon Snow’s direwolf, Ghost. The fan-favorite direwolf was cut from one scene, according to writer Bryan Cogman, Ghost was supposed to be in one scene in particular.

There was a bit here where Jon came out of the crypt, and Ghost came up to him and he petted him and said, “Take care of [Sansa], watch over her for me.” But I guess those direwolves are expensive. I guess it got cut. Oh, well. Ghost is there somewhere roaming around.

Alas, that didn’t happen, and all we got was some brief mention from Sansa of Jon expecting the North to sit around and wait for him like Ghost. Well, good news, you guys, as Special Effects Supervisor Joe Bauer revealed to Huffington Post that Ghost is back in season 8!

Oh, you’ll see him again. He has a fair amount of screen time in Season 8. He does show up.

Bauer went on to explain why there’s been a noticeable lack of direwolves in recent seasons. “The direwolves are tough because you don’t want to get them wrong, so we end up always shooting real wolves and doing a scaling trick with them, but the real wolves only behave in certain ways,” he said. “I think that has something to do with why the direwolves are in the show but they’re not maybe as integral as they are in the books.”

So the direwolves don’t have a large part to play in the show because they aren’t as important to the series as they are in the books. Got it. Bauer did sign off with a very interesting statement:

Ghost does show up, and he does some … he’s very present and does some pretty cool things in Season 8.

Don’t leave us hanging Joe Bauer, how dare you? Oh well, I guess we’ll have to impatiently wait until early 2019 when Game of Thrones returns for its eighth and final season, to see just how cool the things are that Ghost does.

Next: Welcome to the WiC Club!

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