Peter has hinted Tyrion could meet a sticky demise (Picture: HBO/Everett/REX_Shutterstock)

It’s proving harder and harder to avoid Game Of Thrones spoilers – especially when they come from the mouths of actors themselves.

Peter Dinklage, who plays Tyrion Lannister, has been lamenting the ending of his character in season eight, and he may have just hinted that Tyrion is not safe from the Game Of Thrones axe.

In an interview with Vulture, he was asked how he felt about leaving his character behind and Peter appeared to suggest that he may in fact be killed off.

‘I feel very, very — I’m trying to find the right word,’ he said. ‘I think he was given a very good conclusion. No matter what that is — death can be a great way out.’

However, before we get all up in arms about our favourite Lannister being offed before the end of the final season, the author of the piece added an all important note – he interpreted the comment to mean Tyrion’s fate is still open.

Tyrion might not survive season eight.

David Marchese wrote: ‘I took what Dinklage was saying here not as a suggestion that Tyrion dies, but rather his attempt to leave open the possibility that the character might meet that fate.’

Let’s hope it was just a suggestion.

Peter added that his final scenes were emotional, if not in order, as the cast showed up to say their own farewells to the character.

‘It’s always anticlimactic for the character’s last day. Nothing is shot chronologically, so you don’t get some big mountaintop scene or anything. It’s just, “That’s a wrap on Peter Dinklage”‘ he said.

‘But as anticlimactic as it was, my last day was also beautifully bittersweet. A lot of people whom I love were on set that day. Even if they weren’t working, they came to set, which was beautiful.’

He added that it was more difficult to witness the final scenes of his fellow actors.

‘It was really hard,’ he said. ‘I won’t say their name or their character’s name, but one of the young people on the show wrapped this past season and everybody was a wreck. This person had grown up on the show, you know?

‘They were a child and now they were an adult. And then they’re done. It’s like we were witnessing this person saying good-bye to their childhood. I know Game of Thrones is just a TV show, la-di-da, but it was our life.’

Game Of Thrones returns in 2019.

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